Recent content by grabbies200

  1. G

    Batch 2?

    I ordered a pandora in february 2009, would that be batch 1 or 2?I hope to be in batch 1.
  2. G

    All the nubs are there! (2011 - 01 - 11)

    I am laughing at my previous post, where i declared "I cannot wait". Well it is since feb 2009 that i am waiting, so I can wait after all.
  3. G

    All the nubs are there! (2011 - 01 - 11)

    Wow, Does this means i might really receive a pandora? I am shocked. Now i have to figure out if I was in batch 1 or 2. I did order in february of 2009. I cannot wait! my coworker cancelled his order and i just can't wait to be playing in front of him :)