Recent content by hokuto

  1. H

    Just wanted to say...Hi

    yes it is a good deal, you made ^^ and welcome well!!
  2. H

    Castaway/GP release 13.0!

    lol i have changed the batteries and it works now sorry ^^
  3. H

    Castaway/GP release 13.0!

    my maximum gp speed is 133mhz, and this release freeze after pushing a button:( thanks anyway
  4. H

    Genesis Emulater

    Twimfy : i have found this compiler I_used_C++_v1.2.rar, type this in google to check.
  5. H

    Genesis Emulater

    Octavius : he's right, emulator = emulater, type this in google to check.
  6. H

    mame progress

    YEEEEES mame will be continued !!! good luck and thank you Craigix !!!! :)
  7. H

    PCE/TG16 emu compatibility

    ouais coryoon il est patate :lol: try DEAD MOON and TWINBEE i thing it works at full speed B)