Recent content by jollyrob

  1. J

    Ultima Online

    It was 3am here when i typed all that up, so i was a little tired and irritable, so ignore any smartassedness in those posts. And on the topic title i meant compatible clients, not emulators, i don't know why i mentioned the emulators, you only need Sphere or RunUO on the server which could...
  2. J

    Ultima Online

    Fantastic, just the type of good (useful and positive) news i was looking for :)
  3. J

    Ultima Online

    I'm aware it'd be a lot of work. Don't assume i'm expecting this to exist over night. Just coming up with some ideas and presenting them to the community is all. :) Personally something like UO as in play style, even simple graphical style is something i think would be well accepted on this...
  4. J

    Ultima Online

    I have what i feel to be a legitimate question about a port, or not so much a port but a custom client. Does anyone know if there is an ARM compatible UO emulator floating around out there somewhere, I did a fair bit of googling and couldn't find anything, but figured I'd ask. If there were or...