Recent content by leatherhat

  1. L

    Commercial Game Prices

    Honestly, I'll pay 20-30 (USD) for a download game - if it's a current title, on another platform, I'm prepared to pay a little more... I voted the middle option (20GBP/30GBP) Simply because I know that if it's a high quality game that's newer - that's how much I'd pay for any other system...
  2. L

    I Know I've Read This Somewhere,

    Finally recieved my GP2X (that I preordered in Sep!!!), but of course I haven't recieved my SD card (hopefully today!) Everything appears to be working great on it haven't noticed any problems with scanlines, the joystick is a tad stiff, but nothing major. :lol: When I get my card, I know I...