Recent content by MerlinGamer

  1. MerlinGamer

    Novice Linux user questions.

    Thank you all for your replies. I will look into updating it when I get back from work, sorry if this is answered in the main upgrading text, but does upgrading do a full wipe of the old operating system or does it work more like a patch? If the original system has issues I think it would be...
  2. MerlinGamer

    Novice Linux user questions.

    Hiya I have the original open pandora and have found that when using mini menu it has worked flawlessly. However, when switching the GUI I have nothing but problems, and I think it may be my own stupidity rather than the device itself but I need to put my mind at rest. I would love to do some...
  3. MerlinGamer

    About to buy a couple of SD cards...

    After finding the compatibility page on the wiki I've decided to go for these:
  4. MerlinGamer

    About to buy a couple of SD cards...

    I was only looking at them because they are quite cheap, would make sense that they were the nastiest hehe These aren't too expensive either: and they are plus 6 class above the other...
  5. MerlinGamer

    About to buy a couple of SD cards...

    Hi guys! I think my Pandora is coming to me soon now, mainly because I've been given a tracking number! Woohoo! Now I'm by no means an expert on computing, and a lot of these specifications on the SD cards are all Chinese to me. To cut a long story short I'm looking at this card...
  6. MerlinGamer

    Game Informer

    This is something I've wondered, how the gaming press seems to have completely ignored it. Surely there's enough home brew software for it now to focus on if the magazine is a bit worried about emulation.
  7. MerlinGamer

    My introduction and a quick question

    Hi guys thanks for such a warm welcome! One of the things my local Linux circle encourage new developers is code clean up. You know...spell checking comments, putting the right indents and white space in, making sure the pointer/reference notation is in the right place. It's a great way to get...
  8. MerlinGamer

    My introduction and a quick question

    Hi everyone! Just pre ordered my pandora. I'm extremely excited about this device and ever since seeing the Dr Ashen's review I knew I wanted one! I do understand that there is a large back log of orders, so I'm not expecting to receive the device any time soon, but while I'm waiting I was...