Recent content by morgushong

  1. M

    Caanoo Pre-Orders Have Started!

    you actually think they might do this???
  2. M

    Shipping Of The Pandoras

    my last name is &
  3. M

    Firmware 1.2.1

    my opinion is: If it aint broke, don't fix it.
  4. M

    Possible Youtube Alternative

    Nice of you to share Vitel. Thanks.
  5. M

    Snes On My F200

    overclocked you can get close enough.
  6. M

    Help Fellow Electricians!

    yeah just get a killawatt, then you'll know. and then you can tell us!
  7. M

    Temper 0.75 For Gp2x

    thanks a bajillion exophase!
  8. M

    Pandora For Life!

    this is the funniest thing I HAVE EVER SEEN.
  9. M

    Should We Move? - Forum Transfer Discussion

    whats with all the drama? OMG THE UNIVERSE IS ENDING OH NOES!!! Personally, I am only slightly annoyed by the links not working, but I assumed Hando would get around to fixing that eventually, or at least give someone here access to fix it (isn't there anyone here that Hando would trust to fix...
  10. M

    Programming On Pandora

    I'm in sort of a similar situation as you, Awakening, except that I'm just used to programming in a language that does not require using ; at the end of lines. I decided last night that I would try making a game using C++ and SDL, and so far I have a box that moves up, down, left, and right...
  11. M

    Planning On Buying Gp2x F-200...hows The D-pad?

    The D-pad is fine as people have said in countless threads. At first it seems different, but in a few hours it feels natural and works as good as good as any other standard d-pad.
  12. M

    Two Bookmarklets To Help With The Forum Bugs

    he didn't mean you specifically
  13. M

    World Of Goo Linux Version Available

    ^^ I disagree. This game is awesome on wii.