Recent content by newbiedumbass

  1. N

    Do you think GamePark is out? (Please read this.)

    About distribution; is that Virgin as in "richard branson" Virgin (trains/planes/mobile phones and every other thing under the bloody sun)? If so god bless that crazy tycoon! This explains why Gamepark were stopping production till next year - there gearing up for the european relaunch! woohoo...
  2. N

    i sell a gp32 flu

    why dont you put it on ebay?
  3. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    multiprocessor systems are inefficient and dont actually give twice the power. not sure if the arm9 is even designed to be used in multi processor configuration. A scalable processor like the the intelliscale would probably be more power efficient and more flexable than two arm9's anyway.
  4. N

    Best GP32 games to play when your high..

    well the best game to play stoned/drunk ever has to be the dreamcast classic - Samba de Amigo (yes i know its not a GP32 game!!!). Two player maraca shaking madness replete with falling over and trying to make you opponent fall over.... And Sombreros And Monkeys And La Bamba And Silly...
  5. N

    Why is the official Gamepark site down???

    ok just tried again (3/12/03 7:00pm) and the korean site is now up but not the english one. weird Does anyone know why GP have stopped production till next year? are they going to release a slightly more powerful system, a new console entirely (GP32 II???) or are they just running down the...
  6. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    a clamshell design means the unit would be probably be thicker and probably more expensive to produce. Also im just so used the the gamegear design for handhelds - ive never liked the classic gameboy/ gameboy sp style. Think about it - why are joypads roughly shaped like a...
  7. N

    Why is the official Gamepark site down???

    Anyone know why both the korean and english versions of the official gamepark site seem to be down???
  8. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    flip top/ clamshell screens suck ass, they died on pdas for good reason - just lood at the old psions urrgg. Ok the screen is protected on a flip top but the whole thing is un ergonomic and counter-intuitive - no a decent case is the answer. The sp is horrible to use - buttons and d pad too...
  9. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    well talking of stands for the desktop i actually found a guy on ebay trying to sell a stand hed cobbled together in a school workshop. It was hilarious - a wooden monstrosity painted black with gamepark stickers on the front. only thing that would have made it more rustic would be a couple of...
  10. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    true you dont need more than 512mb storage if you plan to use it as a handheld/retro console emulator only (in fact 512mb would be huge) -= however =- If you want to be able to run PC FPS's like half life there would need to be at least a 1-2gb of storage. For example full install of valve...
  11. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    like i said - dont keep up with battery technology that much. Like the idea of an OLED rather than a LCD - heard interesting things about the technology. 4GB on a CF card hmmmmm..... that'd do me nicely lol! :D :D :D :D I agree with zayfod about spaz's button over kill! check out my...
  12. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    Good idea about li-polimer pattery but i wasn't aware they were being produced comerciallyyet? although im probably wrong - dont keep up with battery technologies much ;) . why not have a processor with architecture similar to the athlon XP M with its power saving technology that lowers cpu...
  13. N

    Advice wanted

    ok cool - one last question: whats the framerate like??? anything less than 24 will look jerky surely.
  14. N

    GP32 Design your own GP32

    I like your ideas rcx2100 Best of both worlds with intergrated and removable storge. I wonder how small an intergrated hd could be made whilst avoiding skipping? USB 2 or firewire hmmmm.... GREAT idea about the replaceable batteries (kind of like's Treo 15 mp3 player). how about...
  15. N

    Advice wanted

    just how tricky is the conversion process, i tried some dvd rippers before (over a year ago) and the results were not great. Is there any way to find them at the correct resolution off file sharing programs such as kazaa???