Recent content by Nivek10

  1. Nivek10

    What Games Have You Finished on the Pandora ?

    Finished Final Fantasy VII and Out Of This World (SNES) on mine.
  2. Nivek10

    Pyra Release date - Make your Guess here.

    September 27th 2015
  3. Nivek10

    Soooooo, is it possible to trade in my silver 1ghz Pandora to get a cheaper Pyra?

    As a side note to buying a Pyra at a reduced cost, I do remember ED mentioning that any original Pandora preorders left unfulfilled after the last Pandora sells would have the opportunity to get a Pyra at a reduced price (production costs).  I appreciated this offer since I have yet to receive...
  4. Nivek10

    Favorite boss battles

    Mine is definitely the boss fight at the end of the first level in Earthworm Jim 2.
  5. Nivek10

    Release Rescue - homebrew game - [with C4A]

    Lol, it is very challenging, but once I read this post and realized you can get 100 points for actually saving a girl (getting her to flowers) my score shot up :P still working on saving all of them too, so still room for improvement.
  6. Nivek10

    Seen Lately?

    Just waiting for my refund so I can turn around and put that money towards a rebirth edition pandora from your shop.
  7. Nivek10 Visits Portland in September for Retro Gaming Expo Looks like they had about 1500 last year, and the numbers have been growing every year.
  8. Nivek10 Visits Portland in September for Retro Gaming Expo

    It was also REALLY hot last year at PRGE, moving to the convention center should give the space and airflow required for all those people, and all those machines :P
  9. Nivek10 Visits Portland in September for Retro Gaming Expo

    I think it would be great to see some pandoras there, or a table reserved to show them off. I actually met mygames19 there last year and got to hold and use the pandora for the first time. Still don't have mine to bring though, April 2009 pre-order and cant afford a premium upgrade. But...
  10. Nivek10

    The interesting side of web-based videos.

    I LOVE Mystery Science Theater 3000, just watched Santa Claus Conquers The Martians last night! :P
  11. Nivek10

    Video Game Challenge

    I got: 21/36 23/90 23/25 Very fun, thanks for those. A lot of those songs I knew I had heard, and was dissapointed when I couldnt remember where :P
  12. Nivek10

    Show off your mug

    I have a tetris mug, unfortunately it got ran through the dishwasher once or twice, and some of the picture has torn off a bit, still looks cool :P
  13. Nivek10

    What are you (going to) study(ing)/have you studied?

    Preparing to move this summer so I can go to college for a degree in Software Engineering. Excited to learn about coding and probably wont limit myself to only games, but I definitely want to mess around with making my own games someday.
  14. Nivek10

    Requst for ATARI Jaguar

    Hate to admit it, but I own a mattel hyperscan... Don't worry, I'm sure no one will be begging for a emulator of that.
  15. Nivek10


    Awesome, I shall start ripping all 5 CDs right away.