Recent content by nyarla

  1. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    dunny - really sorry to hear that man :( best wishes.
  2. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Ok, I heard back and it's fine, they aren't targeting this platform.
  3. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    After the first power potion your bullets become thicker looking.. and yeah, getting further power potions increases your firing rate (though it's not just the next 2 potions, it's the next 5 until max firepower is reached IIRC).. I had played with changing the bullet colour and such originally...
  4. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Try it out and see if you like it :) I've decided not to put the challenge levels in the iOS version, though I may still put them in a later update.. but yeah, go for it! I don't display the seed no.. I had considered a mode where, like minecraft, you can type in your own seed.. but I...
  5. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    bonapart, i just saw and replied to your post on my blog awhile ago :) just chiming in again to say, this is fine by me. i could send you the PC version source code, but if ZXDunny is happy to send the Pandora source that sounds a lot easier, if the platform is mostly the same. [EDIT: wait...
  6. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    hey.. honestly, feel free to tweak stuff, add new game modes, add your name to the credits, etc! this version is freeware so it's totally cool. just so long as the main concept of the game is the same i'll be happy. i do think without the ghost some franticness would be lost, on early levels...
  7. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Ok.. I really don't know anything about all this stuff, just going by what I've seen people say.. haven't tested fixed vs floating point myself, as I haven't needed to. I do know that turning off THUMB mode gave a very noticeable speed increase on my 2G iPod Touch though :) (though I leave...
  8. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Doing float maths is not a good idea. Doing trigo function on float is even worst. Consider using a sin/cos lookup table and factorize float manipulation as much as you can ;) [/SPOILER] Lookup tables would be a great idea of course.... but about float - apparently float is actually faster...
  9. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Hey Link, thanks for the lovely review! Glad you're liking FMN. And thanks again to Dunny for going above and beyond the call of duty with this port... the new challenge level stuff was some experimental code I had left disabled in the source, because I wasn't happy with it yet. Dunny had some...
  10. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Does sound quite a headache.. I think it'd be too much hassle for me. You're a champ! I'll be interested to see the results. That smart scale mode sounds like a really good idea, it would give it a nice varied feel having the actual gfx scale change depending on level size. Maybe I should try...
  11. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    thanks guys =) that makes sense... registered as 'nyarlulabs'. haha, that would be nice.. must admit i hadn't paid much attention to Pandora but they seem really cool. good point, the level timeout should probably be tweaked. it's made for iOS where the game is running locked to 60 FPS...
  12. nyarla

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Hey! Wow, thanks for the kind comments. Glad you guys are liking the game :) And super thanks Dunny for your hard work doing the port. Couldn't believe how fast you got it going... And and and, thanks for the donations! very much appreciated (though please don't feel obliged to donate. a...