Recent content by oto

  1. O

    New Member...and Blender

    Thank you for your precisions!
  2. O

    New Member...and Blender

    Hello again I've found many great docs about SDK, toolchains, kernel, sdl and other "trivial" stuff, but for the... GP2X Is it compatible with the WIZ? Well, keep searching/reading!
  3. O

    New Member...and Blender

    Artax is your answer encrypted? Thanks anyway! Blender is a multi-platform 3D application with a nice game engine inside: Well, probably most of you already know it?! It's quite easy and fast to make 3D least bad ones, because good ones are hard and long too...
  4. O

    New Member...and Blender

    Hello to all I'm new here ( just got my WIZ yesterday)! Of course as I'm lazy ( and a complete zero at programming) I would like to "export" my Blender "games" to the wiz! Is it possible ( the search tool don't give any answer)? I don't bother to search/try/read/explore/experiment, but I even...