Recent content by peetabix

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    [demoscene] "check This Out" By Gnostic And Turbo / Bronx

    I just kept on thinking "Mary Whitehouse Experience" all the way through that. ;) Great demo.
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    Cez Retrocompo 2007

    So with one of the rules being "The Remakes can´t be updates or upgrade versions from games already published." and one of the prizes given for best graphics, wouldnt this mean finding a spanish game with kickass graphics and remaking that. Also isnt a "remake" an updated version of the...
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    Max In Ghostpix V1.0 Released

    I wish it wouldnt say "[GP2X]" at the beginning of each title its really misleading. Why hasnt this been fixed?
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    Looks like its going to be very addictive :) Cant wait to try it.
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    Goitgp - New Version

    Maybe i'm old fashioned (or just old) but is it a good idea that it says "bitches" on the front page? Other than that cant wait to give it a try.
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    Max In Ghostpix

    The fact that all of the news posts on the main page have [GP2X] is very very very misleading. How come its still like this?
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    This has to be one of my fave Gp2X games. Great work :)
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    Supertux V1.4 Released

    scachi, thankyou for updating this. While i dont play it myself, my 6 year old son loves this game.
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    Gp2x Package Manager

    This is also my question. Although i welcome new software on our little hand held, i'm still left wondering my we need this. I'm probably missing the point altogether though.
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    Gp2x Contest Winner! Wind & Water: Puzzle Battles By Yuan Work

    So it was a competition to make a commercial game? The game looks really cool.
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    Star Defender Video

    Looks very cool. Reminds me of Project X on the Amiga and that can only be a good thing.
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    Register Report On Gp2x's New Processor ;)

    Hacker friendly? I always think this gives the wrong impression.
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    Uae4all Gp2x 0.6.0 First Release With Integrated Fame/c

    Are there buttons bound to left and right mouse buttons? if so what are they?
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    Quake Graphics Are Bad...

    You have to blow up the zombies ;)