Recent content by ps_

  1. P

    Qtopia For Permanent Interface?

    sure that we need to kill qtopia ? iirc, it takes quite some time to restart on my Zaurus, nothing really desirable from a long term point of view... What about using "nice" ? that might help, and while we're at it, what about an AND port ? this could improve preformance for lots of stuff...
  2. P

    Qtopia For Permanent Interface?

    How about using OPIE (screenshots) or GPE (screenshots)
  3. P

    GP2X What Safety Tips When Logged In A Bash Prompt?

    alias rm="rm -i" is pretty helpful/anoying ;)
  4. P

    Zip Utility?

    what about infozip: or using the armcompiled debian version of unzip:
  5. P

    Happy New Year!

    Another german "Frohes Neues !" Happy new year everyone !
  6. P

    GP2X Php

    Well, there's SDL bindings for php, so why not ? you can write games in php/sdl that run on the gp2x...
  7. P

    GP2X Package Management

    You only copy a _single_ file on you gp2x, and get automagick checking for installed libs (sdl, libwhatever) => no need for all the static linking anymore Also, if installation is done via pc (that is, you install the packages directly off the internet, over the usb link onto your device), you...
  8. P

    GP2X Php

    sure, why not:
  9. P

    GP2X Php

    Well, no idea what windows tools can unpack .deb files ..., but tar.gz should be handled by any standard tool like 7-zip or winzip or winrar or powerarchiver etc. etc.
  10. P

    GP2X Package Management

    you could install the packages from the sd card, or via usb from your pc, the sharp Zaurus doesn't have networking by default either and the package manager still is pretty usefull ...
  11. P

    GP2X Package Management

    So ? you don't need that do you ?
  12. P

    GP2X Php

    Anything that doesn't require graphical output shouldn't be a problem, maybe your gonna have to get some libs to get everything working, but it all should be possible, and not too hard.
  13. P

    GP2X Php

    Unless there's a webbrowser with sdl output, or you've written a working X-Server, no ;)
  14. P

    GP2X Php

    Lynx is just a command-line webbrowser hm. nothing i guess, you can get those to instead if you want to
  15. P

    GP2X Php

    Sure, it will probably run, but if you simply want to run php, I'd recommend a smaller webserver like boa , also you need a net connection to you gp2x to view stuff (or use the debian "lynx" arm port and the sterm thing ;) )