Recent content by qgazq

  1. Q

    Gp2x Crap Games Competition

    Indeed I was! :) Oh well since I found I had more time I grabbed a couple of hours sleep and wrote a second game! The titles are: Triangle Wars and Washing up eXtreme Gary
  2. Q

    Gp2x Crap Games Competition

    Well entry is in and a whole 1h 3m early. Now to just wait for my Toffee crisp - or maybe a bitter taste? Gary
  3. Q

    Gp2x Crap Games Competition

    Well I have half an entry I have been working on. But I spend that long working out how to draw triangles in a "good" way and then making classes to tidy up the code I seem to have forgot to actually make the "game" do anything! Will see if I have chance in the morning (assuming I get up in the...
  4. Q

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!! Ordered mine a month ago tommorrow (24th March), But I was given the option of waiting for the Mk2 and getting Firmware v2 (not wanting to brick it as soon as I get it!) so I did. It arrive today! Yay, I got the email saying it was dispached yesterday so I setup a webcam...