Recent content by Return of the King

  1. R

    The Rabbit Joint

    DCGM i'm calling your mother. This is unacceptable.
  2. R

    The Rabbit Joint

    Hopefully you will fail miserably and end up an empty shell of a human being. Unemployed, alone, living off job seekers allowance and crying yourself to sleep at night.
  3. R

    The Rabbit Joint

    A lot of people don't bother trying and quite a few are able to wing it and get much higher grades than you did. You're not that intelligent boy-o.
  4. R

    I'm Not Dead.

    It doesn't matter. That still leaves me at a higher social standing than you by a long way.
  5. R

    I'm Not Dead.

    It's banned because I said hurtful things to a lady.
  6. R

    I'm Not Dead.

    Whoo boy this would sure have been funny if it was posted a few years ago. Oh wait no it wouldn't.
  7. R

    Telcolou Not Dead!

    poo ic3 intercourse out of wedlock female dog bum cheese biscuit ic4 EDIT: welp what do you know.
  8. R

    The Rabbit Joint

    why is it that a nigga needs to bust?
  9. R

    Zombies Vs Pirates

    I leave you guys for a while and this is what happens? What the hell is wrong with you people.
  10. R

    A Wonderful Link For My Friends At Off Topic

    I stole this woot.