Recent content by Rik

  1. R

    GP2X Follow To Discussion About An Image Scaling

    The GP32's screen is rotated, right? In otherwise the ordering of the RGB will be vertical instead of horizontal. That's not so useful for text. Does the 2X use the same screen?
  2. R

    GP32 Any Mod Musicians Or Pixel Editing Junkies Around?

    I can help if you still looking, on both accounts. Did the graphics and music for bunnytraps and mafi sushi panic (both in file archive) if you need to see references. Many thanks~
  3. R

    Ghosts On Toast

    Great work!
  4. R

    Bunny Traps V1.0

    Go, BunnyTraps, Go! Am yet to get a 2x but glad BunnyTraps has made it there :)
  5. R Selling Gp32 Games!

    Some of these games look excellent, but after seeing how bad D & G was I'm reluctant to actually buy any. Anyone played any of them?
  6. R

    Open Ttd For Gp2x

    Wow.. Amazing. Can't wait to get my GPx2
  7. R

    GP2X Request To All Devs

    What he means is you can't build genesis sound from samples - the sound is generated by FM synthesis which has almost infinate possibilities. Wavetable set for every game would make everything sound too samey anyway, celebrate individuality.
  8. R

    Gp32 Does Midi !!!!

    That's fantastic! Man I really should keep an eye out for this kind of thing more! I've been waiting for something like this ever since I got my GP32.
  9. R

    Best/most-notable Amiga Game.. Bring It :)

    I never had an Amiga, but I had an ST so I like playing all my favourite games usually play a bit better than the ST ones. Amiga specific games I love are Superfrog, Alien Breed 1+2+Tower Assualt... Any Team 17 game basicly. XD Sure there's a fair few more too but can't think off the top...
  10. R

    Ot: Help Me Out.. Best St Games For _joystick_?

    Used to love the old ST and joystick games. Some I used to play were: Robocod (James Pond 2) Bubble Bobble Rainbow Islands New Zeland Story (with trainer.. so hard) Stunt Car Racer Super Sprint Silk Worm Garfield (kind of.. It looked so interesting but I never got anywhere) Chubby Gristle...
  11. R

    Mafi Sushi Panic

    Wow now that's a good score! How'd I miss that? I can't manage to come that close to my own score anymore with my clumsy play style. You got that score on my birthday too. XD
  12. R

    GP32 Synkro's Resize Code

    Surely you can only do that if the old_height and new_height are the same? And not at all for transparants? I wonder how Smash GP scales, that seems very fast.
  13. R

    GP32 Synkro's Resize Code

    Current image I'm using is: #define gfx_title_width 204 #define gfx_title_height 191 and requires an offset of 1. I think 320x240 required an offset of 0.
  14. R

    GP32 Synkro's Resize Code

    Hi~ I made an ugly bastardisation of Synkro's clever bitmap resizing code as found here: Certain sized bitmaps (orig size) were being displayed wrong (from rounding error), so I've just added an 'offset' which I can pass through to correct...
  15. R

    Mafi Sushi Panic

    Sorry, next game is kinda small too, it was planned and drawn up before Mafi so I wanna get it finished before doing a bigger project. After that.. Maybe a bigger project, though big projects have a habbit of never being finished. Thanks for all the kind comments everyone it's very...