Recent content by Seijuro

  1. S

    Project Ninja

    By the time this is actually realised (if at all - I don't want to be harsh, but let's be realistic. Although I have faith in Mirko & co), PSP either has an up & running homebrew community, because they found a cleaner way to run homebrew, or it has died because they didn't. And then we'll see...
  2. S

    Ps1 On The Gp32? What Could Come Of This?

    Well what about the controls. We even struggle with SNES controls so how could this be even remotely enjoyable with 4 usable buttons?
  3. S

    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    apart from that 5v I guess not
  4. S

    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    if we ever get a video signal out of the gp32, this would probably the perfect companion hehe :) albeit a bit expensive
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    would it be possible to port the other games from that author too? were they called...warning forever, rrootage, etc...
  6. S

    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    Well...for the USB keyboards. I'm guessing there are SMALL usb keyboards out there. Maybe not as small as the chatboard but probably signficicantly smaller than "standard" keyboards. So it would be indeed carriable. Now the next best thing would be...if there was some kind of smaller, mobile...
  7. S

    Astonishia Translation

    Well; if I could still be of any help because apparently this is Lethe's show now ;) tell me, because I don't need to spend money on the game when there's someone else translating it already. :) No, this shouldn't sound offensive, just a simple question. :)
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    Astonishia Translation

    Well OK...if the PC and GP32 versions are different, I guess the only alternative left is that someone with technical experience regarding hacking the game teams up with Lethe and me and then we'll see how it turns out...
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    Astonishia Translation

    Well Lethe, if I manage to get some editable data out of the PC version, I could try sending it to you, and you could take a look at it :)
  10. S

    Astonishia Translation

    Oh, and did you know that the game is out for the PC in Korea too? But it's a whole CD! So I wonder what the differences are...Cutscenes? High-quality music? If the game's Game-CONTENT is EXACTLY the same on BOTH pc and GP32, I can order the PC version and translate it based on that. Would be...
  11. S

    Astonishia Translation

    Hi, well alright - When I get some money in a few days, I'll order it and take a look at it. Your suggestion just to write down the translation at the beginning indeed looks like a good idea :) I hope I will have the patience to throughoutly translate it and won't lose interest, hehe. But I...
  12. S

    Astonishia Translation

    Hi, I just read in an older thread that there were some people who wanted to translate the game to English. Since I can read quite a bit of Korean, I would be willing to help out. My question though, is, is it *technically* possible? Ie. is the text changeable more or less easily in the compiled...
  13. S

    Next Release?

    Note: Just because there is no update in 3 days, this doesn't mean the developers are working on a BIG update. You see, they are humans, after all. With real life, such things. Well, or maybe not. But I'm sure they aren't working on the emu all the time.
  14. S

    Best Film Of All Time

    Yes. It rocks. ;)
  15. S

    GP32 Super Monkey Ball

    No, Hamsterball is Shareware.