Recent content by SickPunk

  1. S

    Doom For Blu+

    Is there any word on the minor bug fixes yet? It's an amazing program, and I play it constantly. Just hoping to see the Save/Load option working soon :) Oh and this is probably a dumb question, but is it possible to have the real Doom II and Goldeneye Doom on the same SMC? I tried renaming...
  2. S

    What Kind Of Gp32 Do You Have?

    I have a 166mhz Blu+. It made last weeks car ride from NY to Florida much more bearable. And no, I wasn't driving ;)
  3. S

    Genesis Emulation - Gp32 Vs Zodiac?

    Haha, I was wondering what I forgot to mention... Thanks for clearing that up DaveC, didn't mean to be misleading. The resolution on the GP32 is perfect for Genesis games
  4. S

    Genesis Emulation - Gp32 Vs Zodiac?

    I have both a Z2 and a GP32Blu+, and I can say that DrMD is far and a ahead a much better Genesis Emu than anything on the Zodiac. The games that don't run on the GP32 don't run on the Z either, and the games that do run work much better; they are smoother in sound as well as in animation. In...
  5. S

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope your Christmas is as awesome as mine has been this Morning! SickPunk
  6. S

    Gp32 Blu Or Flu?

    I bought the Zod2 after saving for a little while, primarily to play games on. I do like it, and I use it for stuff other than gaming, but the analog contoller isn't my cup o' tea. As a PDA, it's alright and having no other PDA I do use it for those functions. But as a gaming system... Well...
  7. S

    Compatibility List For New Drmd

    Wow, DAC support! That's outstanding. I was already amazed at the quality of the emulator, but everytime I check in on these boards I see something else to make me even more excited :D Reesy, thanks for rockin' the house so much!
  8. S

    Gp32 Blu Or Flu?

    I just recieved my BLU+ yesterday and I love it! :D The screen is amazing! If you can, I definitely recommend picking one up. I have a few other systems(GBASP, Zodiac2) and this is a much cooler machine. I doubt I'll be using my others much anymore... Seriously, pick one up-you'll love...
  9. S

    Hello Everyone

    Thanks for all the input. Since I ordered a Guaranteed 166mhz version, maybe I'll get lucky! I'm sure I'll love whichever one I get B) SickPunk
  10. S

    Hello Everyone

    Hey Everyone! Just ordered myself a GP32Blu from I've been looking into it for a while, and now with the release of DrMD I feel I have no choice but to own one(heh, I actually bought a GBA and flash card just to play DrSMS... Reesy, you are the MAN!) From all the posts I've read...