Recent content by SpiceWare

  1. S

    Williams Games

    I'm using a Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Analog game pad with MacMame. The game pad is almost like the PS2's and I've mapped the 2 analog sticks for use with Crazy Climber and Robotron. Works great. Here's a link to the newest revision of the gamepad.
  2. S

    704 Kbps For Video!?!

    I was doing an experiement to see how much data I could put thru the unit. In general, the higher the bit rate the less the compression, thus a better picture quality. the results were more successful than I was expecting. Also, what do you mean by "optimum viewing"? There are different...
  3. S

    704 Kbps For Video!?!

    I'll leave one of them here for a day or two. Take Your Mamma by the Scissor Sisters. File comes in at 19.7 MB. I set the kbps to 704, GP Cinema reports it as 675 so I guess it didn't use them all. One other thing I did experiment with was to create the divx AVI with 16 bit video(RGB 555)...
  4. S

    704 Kbps For Video!?!

    I'll try 2 pass this weekend. I don't follow you on the "convert to" though. There is the potential for frames in the new AVI to be "between" frames from the original. For example, if I have a video that's 10 fps and I want to make it 2 or 5 then every new frame matches to an original frame...
  5. S

    704 Kbps For Video!?!

    Based on all the docs I've read, I initially set the video compression to 128 kbps with 10 fps (original was 29.97, I decimated by 3). I opted for audio compression at 56 kbps @ 22050 since I was encoding a music video. Things worked well and I decided to set my BLU to 166 MHz and see how...
  6. S


    Same here - I converted the QuickTime video for "Take Your Mamma" by the Scissor Sisters(it's available for free viewing via iTunes with 480x360 resolution). While I could convert the QuickTime to a Divx on my Mac, playback would crash the GP32. I then booted my Thinkpad and installed...
  7. S


    Lik-Sang's site has this under the feature list for the BLU Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box. That's why I didn't think 166 was overclocking. The English option on Game Park's site doesn't work so I can't tell what the "official specs" are for the BLU's clock speed. I figured out how...
  8. S


    Nice!!! It's tiny, but the screen is huge compared to my GBA :) I used my old Thinkpad to format the SMC and install a couple things. I'm now using the card reader on my Mac - it's much faster using USB 2.0. So far I've installed some photos, a couple video clips, Doom, and Frodo. I've had...
  9. S


    Thanx for the welcome! I'm in the US so I ordered it from Lik-Sang. The BLU description has this on their website: # Latest GP32 BLU [Back Light Unit] Version # International and multilingual Firmware # Plays Emulators and Software without registering # Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed...
  10. S


    Been lurking for the past few weeks. My BLU should arrive on Tuesday. I've ported a few emulators to OS/2 in the past and recently migrated to Mac OS X. I'm hoping to do some development for the GP32 using my Mac. I've already picked up a couple 128 SmartMedia cards in anticapation of next...