Recent content by Summeli

  1. S

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    There's already EQ's OpenGL ES 1.1 GPU at It's not using the plugin interface, so there might be a bit more work in integrating that code. You can see that GPU code running with old psx4all dynarec on Nokia N95 at...
  2. S

    Pandora - Obsolete?

    It's really not running that well on symbian, since the blit is way too slow. Also the SDL port I'm using is really slow :/ The good news is that the upcoming Symbian^3 should have new gpraphics architecture, so it should run faster on those devices. Because of these problems I dumped the whole...
  3. S


    of course. It all makes sense now :)
  4. S


    N95 doesn't have gles2, so did you make your own plugin for gles1.1, or what? :) I think you are just teasing us with the idea of using just a N95. The N95 has only a ~330Mhz or so ARM11, so it would be quite hard to run all the ARM cortex-A8 code with it ;-)