Recent content by Terid

  1. Terid

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Hey guys, I just made a skin for win2x as there doesn't seem to be many about! Love to get some feedback as it's my first time skinning anything! Thanks EDIT: Helps if I link it lol. You can get it here.
  2. Terid

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    yea i am :P
  3. Terid

    Gmenu2X Skins

    Groovy man, I just stick my SD into my laptop if im copying files so i only need the usb to charge which i have a plug for hehe. There was some other guys wrote a script for gmenu to make it default but I couldn't quite get it working. Check it out here you might be mroe successful :) EDIT...
  4. Terid

    Gmenu2X Skins

    can you get gmenu to run as default frontend on your wiz? mine always goes back to wiz menu after closing a game. :(
  5. Terid

    Questions Before The Purchase Of A Wiz

    I got my wiz a week or 2 ago, couldn't be happier so far! No screen problems, i keep mine in a sock when im throwing it in my bag, I've flashed dozens on times(yes i messed with it alot) and no bricking. (keep it plugged in when doing so) Buttons feel good to me, little fidgity to get used to...
  6. Terid

    Gmenu2X; Games That Return To The Main Menu

    I've just got my wiz a day or two ago, was interested in this script as i like the gmenu2x. Tried runnign the script from the nand with gmenu on the nand, didnt boot gmenu at all just the wiz one. Uninstalled script. Tried running script from nand with gmenu on the sd card, this worked (although...
  7. Terid

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Hey, impretty new to this but love the win2x over wiz menu. Figured out how to link icons to the folders and menus but im trying to get pocketsnescompatible and pocketsnesfast to link but i can only seem to get the fast version working, any way to have one of each? thanks!
  8. Terid

    Just Got It, And I Broke It :(

    Thanks for the advice, I went to the shop today and got a 2GB SD card (non HC) and used it to reinstall the firmware. Worked a treat so im good until I break it again lol!
  9. Terid

    Just Got It, And I Broke It :(

    Thanks! Guess I'll have to order another one cus i ordered a 16GB SDHC lol.
  10. Terid

    Just Got It, And I Broke It :(

    Hello, Been looking forward to getting a wiz for ages now and I finally got one. Everything worked fine, emulators, PC connectivity, etc. until I messed about with it. I installed the win2x frontend, while installing it sat on loading for 30 mins so i turned it off and on and it worked. I...