Recent content by thegoonden

  1. T

    Should I Wait?

    Well, I looked at the craiginator, and assuming it's not vapourware, I WILL be having one of those. I therefor decided to pick up an F100 on Ebay for 70 quid. If the craiginator never appears I'll maybe upgrade to the 200 once I'm sure the gp2x is my kinda gadget (yeah, like I'm at all likely to...
  2. T

    Should I Wait?

    I'm aware that fast charger=wrecked batteries. EDIT: how quick is bad though, my current charger manages 4 cells in 4 hours, will that be OK, as it doesn't sound like a fastcharger to me, you know, 15 mins and glowing batteries, one of those. How long will 2500's last in typical use? There are...
  3. T

    Should I Wait?

    Thank you oh son of Shrivasubrahmanian Chandrasegarampeli :D (my machines are called hal9000 sal9000 and (as I'm a fan of Factory Records) Fac9000). Sounds like hanging on is the way to go really. Hanging on and buying a tin of black paint. ;)
  4. T

    Should I Wait?

    Firstly, hi folks. I only discovered the existence of the GP2X recently. I am now somewhat itching to get one. I can see used FX100's at reasonable prices, but I'm wondering if waiting for the FX200 will get me anything other than a dpad and a touchscreen (such is the impression I get from...