Recent content by Thumbs Down

  1. Thumbs Down

    Please provide me info on how to get my money back

    Please stop feeding the drama llama. You're making a fool out of yourself. It's obvious you have a personal bias against Craig. we get it. Unless Craig is comitting fraud and embezzling the money. He's not evil, he's a business man.. If you've ever had a boss, he's lied to you. OVER AND OVER...
  2. Thumbs Down

    Forum Feedback

    Nuke it then. It was a bad joke anyway. I'm not a mod :)
  3. Thumbs Down

    Forum Feedback

    hahahaha. I "don't" have another account. I just wanted to make this one to reply with when somebody is trolling or making an arse of themselves. ;)
  4. Thumbs Down

    Forum Feedback

    Hey Wally, I'm one of the long time forum members and while I've generally tried to be positive, I've been known to be a little passive aggressive.. I've decided to change my tone and work towards being a constructive member of the forums. I'm glad to see yourself and others are trying to...