Recent content by Tobse

  1. Tobse

    Pandora Pancake Pandora Sdk Survey

  2. Tobse

    Holy Shit, Robots!

    Super... a FuteCop multi player remake! I Played the PC version in SP and of course the great multi player part. Especially the split screen mode was cool. Are also willing to make a split screen view, so that we can play it with two gamepads? -I don't know how it would fit on pandoras screen...
  3. Tobse

    Closed Source Ports

    Tasty Static Website More Media It's a Freeware SDL based 3D Jump’n Slide SkyRoad clone for Linux, Max & Win. I asked the developer of Tasty Static if he could imagine making a Pandora port or releasing his game as open source. His answer: “I’m actually planning a source release of some sort...
  4. Tobse


    Re: Java on the Pandora There is one great message from this thread for me... its possible to port a Java VM to the Pandora and there ambitious people which want to do it! I am developing Java for about five years and the last I was active in game development forums. You can see two of my Java...
  5. Tobse

    Arbeitsamt - Für Arbeitssuchende und Arbeitgeber

    Status: SUCHEND Ich bin: Entwickler Ich suche: Sound-Designer & Grafiker Projekt: XSwing Plus - Spiel System: Linux, Win, Mac, Pandora Programmiersprache Java, C++ weite Hinweise: Programmiere seit etwa vier Jahren Java. Dabei sind einige kleinere Java Spiele entstanden bevor ich mich einem open...
  6. Tobse

    Can't Hold It Much Longer

    Hi otaco, I bought and played Galcon one year before -and I loved it! A genial game play idea, packed in a cool style. And I also wanted to code it by my self -in Java. But it ended only in some stress tests -drawing many many ships ;-) Your version looks great and I can't expect to play it on...