Recent content by ToddPowersPOW

  1. T

    New Sudoku For Gp2x

    I'm a big Sudoku fan, I've been playing the one from Yoyo+ pretty much every day for the last few weeks, and I'm looking forward to yours! :) Sudoku is great for the mind. Thank you for your efforts.
  2. T

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Thank you for pointing that out, I was previously aware of its existence, however playasia offered a better deal with the accessories I got. However, I forgot to add the AC adaptor to my cart, so I'll be getting that locally. :)
  3. T

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Hello, I have spent the last week with my GP2X, and so far I really like it. It is my first handheld gaming system, and the thing which drew me to it the most was its ability for emulator gaming on-the-go. However, I have spent a lot more time than I anticipated playing the homebrew games...