Recent content by Tuxula

  1. T

    July Is Here - When Will It Be Released

    I'd guess around Christmas.
  2. T

    Ballistic Beta Videos!

    There is already Neverball ( which could get ported to the Pandora/Wiz.
  3. T

    Is Pandora The Better Option For Me?

    Thats exactly what i'm looking for as well. Small, good screen, wifi, acceptable keyboard and the standard linux software. The gaming is just a little bonus.
  4. T

    Beta Gentoo For Pandora - 0.0.3

    Hey, that really sounds cool. Will there be a way to use ones desktop pc to help compiling, with distcc or something similar? I guess compiling the whole system on the pandora itself will take quite a while.
  5. T


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    As far as I know the sgx driver isn't that great so we only have opengl es and crappy x11 integration. So even though the hardware is probably capable of running compiz or other compositing window managers, the driver is not. There was some effort to create a better driver but i wouldn't wait...
  7. T

    Dosbox Fun Open source, linux and SDL.
  8. T

    Dosbox Fun

    Haha, Commander Keen! Can't wait to get my pandora.
  9. T

    Simple Request

    Yeah or we should have somthing like a index of all pandora related information. That index should then be pinned so everyone sees it and after that for people that still decide not to read it a subtitle "READ THIS FIRST" might help.
  10. T

    Release Just Did An Interview For One Last Continue

    Yeah, of course it's audacity. And a lot of these packages is already available for arm, just search the package repositories of any distribution for arm. For example debian: All thats missing is some way to use these packages on the...
  11. T

    Release Just Did An Interview For One Last Continue

    There is no reason why for example gimp or audacious wouldn't work on the pandora. In fact, gimp was already shown in some videos. 3d modelling is a bit more difficult, but is certainly also possible.
  12. T

    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    AFAIK even though it uses a modified Q3-engine, the source has not been released so that's not possible.