Recent content by Vanamonde

  1. V

    Gpengine At 166 Mhz

    It's not just the flashing, games just play better at frameskip 0 and you need to be running at 166Mhz for the games to play full speed at frameskip 0. IN answer to the question, maybe a problem with your GP32, as my NLU GP32 runs PC Engine fine at 166Mhz.
  2. V

    Virus Warning For People Passing Around A Certain

    Can anybody email you to talk about the weather?
  3. V

    Drmd Version 2.0

    Flashback works great now...wahoo! great emulator.
  4. V

    Drmd Version 2.0

    'Zombies Ate My Neigbours' - the map (with the people to collect on) and weapon icons don't display..and the right third of the screen updates slowly (you can see it update as you move the character right.
  5. V

    Zx Speccy Vs. C64!

    Well until the 128K Spectrum come along, there was no soundchip in UK Spectrums just the beeper. You could add sound hardware but very few games supported it. One of the rare examples is `Invasion of the Body Snatchers' by Crystal (later Design Design), a Defender clone that supported the...
  6. V

    Zx Speccy Vs. C64!

    I remember Greg Fishback (head of Activision at the time and I've probably spelt his second name wrong) making a joke in a Crash interiew: Q. How do you get Stereo sound out of a Spectrum? A. Hold one to each ear.
  7. V

    New Ps Emulator

    The proper site is: ...and it plays very well if you have a fast enough CPU. On my 624Mhz Axim X30, Metal Slug X plays back fine with sound..however the button layout and crappy dpad makes playing the game a bit of a chore. Still a program to showoff your PDA.
  8. V

    New Fmame32 Screenies!

    New year res, I must read messages slowly..doh!
  9. V

    New Fmame32 Screenies!

    Won't that arcade be too high spec to be emulated?
  10. V

    What Does The 32 Stand For?

    Ditch the SMC slot and have a CF slot that will support flash cards and mini HDs, or failing that an SD slot.
  11. V

    Fzx32 Released

    Simplest solution is to use the redefine keys option inbuilt in Chuckie then just waggle the joystick for the required directions and fire button.
  12. V

    How Do They Compare?

    Arcade games and games that use a limited set of keys should be fine. Text adventures and flight sims on the Spectrum, C64 and Atari ST would drive you nuts without a chatboard. Each system has its own merits, why not experiement with them all?
  13. V

    Smc Format Issue-not Accessable After Win32 Format

    I have to format my SMC in my digital camera. Oonly way I've found to get the GP32 to regonise that card.
  14. V

    Best C64 Games That Can Be Emulated

    Tapper (arcade conversion) and Nebulus (platform game set on a tower that scrolls round). Both work in Frodo.
  15. V

    Gp Cinema 2.0 Release!!!!

    Darn, the only GP32 program that makes me wish the GP32 could take larger memory size cards....