Recent content by wrdaniel

  1. W

    Gmu 0.6.0 veröffentlicht!

    Danke, für meinen Lieblingsplayer :)
  2. W

    Gpfce 0.4

    thanx for the awesome work :) ... how about a nice PCEngine emulator? ;)
  3. W

    Gpfce 0.4

    thanks :)
  4. W

    Gmu 0.5.1 veröffentlicht

    Wenn man Gmu nach PocketSNES startet, gibt es Probleme mit der Wiedergabe, ist zumindest bei mir so.
  5. W

    Please, Don't Forget The Smaller Ones [nes - Pcengine]

    so whats the problem with those systems? as i dont have a plan about programming and emulators i would say it should be easier to emulate the system cause they have slower cpus and should be less complex. is it less fun to work on those "easy" emulators, is it cause there are no competitors?
  6. W

    Please, Don't Forget The Smaller Ones [nes - Pcengine]

    hi all, atm we have some really good snes and genesis / megacd emulators but what about PcEngine and NES. both systems have many awesome games but the emulation isnt the best. hu6820 and gp2xengine are "ok" but by far not as good as the snes/genesis emus. and for the NES i use gpfce and it is...
  7. W

    Pocketsnes V6 Released

    hi all, dont know if its mentioned before, have not read the whole thread. if i start GMU after PocketSNES i get stuttering while playing mp3 files. maybe the clockspeed, memtimings arent set back at exit?! and if there would be an option to enable/disable transparencies with a button it...
  8. W

    Rundenbasierte Strategiespiele gesucht

    Wenn der RPG Anteil nicht stört vielleicht auch noch die ShiningForce Reihe auf dem MegaDrive.
  9. W

    Picodrive 1.14

    thanks :)
  10. W

    Firmware 2.1.0 verfügbar

    es geht glaub' ich um deutsche Sonderzeichen beim eReader&Co. @Hans, könntest du dein Bild in der SIG bitte hochkant stellen, dann wird es noch länger ;)