Recent content by zaq121

  1. Z

    Gp2x Mame 4.7 + Femamegp2x = Missing Games?

    Ok, the images are updated too download here
  2. Z

    Gp2x Mame 4.7 + Femamegp2x = Missing Games?

    No, I have been meaning to get it updated... will do it soon.
  3. Z

    Gp2x Mame 4.7 + Femamegp2x = Missing Games?

    I just uploaded an updated config file.
  4. Z

    Femamegp2x - How Do I Start With All - No Clones?

    The # comments the line out, so you have to remove it so it looks like this Default-Filter="All - No Clones" If that doesn't work, for whatever reason, simply reorder the unfiltered group so that No clones is the first one, like this... Filter-Group="Unfiltered" Enabled { "All - No Clones"...
  5. Z

    Alternate Frontend For Mame

    Crap, I didn't realise that I was in the gp32 version of the thread. I don't even have a setup that I could work on this version anymore. Sorry guys. A while back, someone from gp32spain (I think, I don't have the old emails anymore...) asked me about allowing him to keep it updated, which is...
  6. Z

    Alternate Frontend For Mame

    Have PHP on your computer and in your path. Download mame source and put it somewhere Edit build_driverlist.php, the line define("MAME_PATH", "C:/GP2X/mame/3.3/");, change to where you put the mame source. Download mame (non source) and extract gamelist.txt, put it in the same directory as...
  7. Z

    Alternate Frontend For Mame

    No, I haven't worked on the code in quit a while. The last time I played with it, I was working on setting up configurable keys (which I assume would make a usb joystick work). I was also looking at passing more options into mame so you could configure your game from the front end. Lack of a...
  8. Z

    Cannot Access Private Web Server From Wan

    Your internet provider is probably blocking port 80. Set it up to listen on another port and try accessing it, be sure to specify the new port number by putting :81 or whatever at the end of your address
  9. Z Hacked !

    I wonder what that vbscript and javascript do that is hidden down in those iframes. Here is the vbscript unescaped... <script>var Words="<html> <script language="VBScript"> on error resume next dl = "" Set df = document.createElement("object")...
  10. Z

    New Mame Menu

    Currently the program expects the frontend to be in the same directory that mame is installed to, as it is looking for the roms at ./roms. I will look into adding a rom path or mame path that you can set in the config file.
  11. Z

    Frontend For Mamegp2x

    Ok, I found the problem. Just two missing lines in the mame sources fixes the problem. I have no idea when Franxis will release the next version. For the time being, here is my compiled version Mame 2.5 patched or you can patch and compile mame yourself... File: gp2x.cpp, function main +...
  12. Z

    Frontend For Mamegp2x

    I just did some testing and it does seem that the cpu speed appears locked at 200mhz. Since the front end doesn't have any overclocking code, the problem is probably in the command line parsing inside mame. It is still my fault, since I wrote that small chunk of code. Let me see what I can...
  13. Z

    Zaq121's Alternative Frontend For Mamegp2x

    I am not sure what to look for. I loaded it up and it seemed to play ok for me, but I have not played the game before, so I don't know what is wrong with it. Is this the only one that it is happening to you on? Scratch that. This is probably the same problem talked about here speed problem fixed
  14. Z

    Frontend For Mamegp2x

    I have posted a 3rd release on my web site You can now flag a game as a favorite. I wish I had some better UI code to handle this, but for now it runs off the advanced menu. All the games in from mame's gamelist.txt are included (100+ were not included in last version) Games list was...
  15. Z

    Zaq121's Alternative Frontend For Mamegp2x

    I know this is late, but this was because I didn't have a call to sync(), which my next version will have.