Search results

  1. F

    Would Any Of You Like A Port Of This Game?

    Any details on the software renderer you're porting Dimension? It will be OpenGL compatible?
  2. F

    Would Any Of You Like A Port Of This Game?

    The walls look like they use parallax mapping or some kind of displacement map? If not already i think there should be a monster in the maze like... 3D Monster Maze on the Speccy... :D
  3. F

    Criticalbeeb 0.1.0 Released

    Excellent work, if only i had a GP2X! :o You've made emulators for my 2 favourite systems, well the ones i spent most time with, Beeb and Amiga. :)
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    Gp2x Chuckie Egg

    Great work crutchlow, the Beeb version rocks! Have you seen the colour hack?
  5. F

    GP2X Bresenham / Any Line Drawing

    Well PutPixel doesn't look very fast, but the algorithm scould be faster without the multiplies and divides. There are a lot of ways you can unroll bresenam's, in your example you should move the if (Steep) out of the loop.
  6. F

    GP2X Bresenham / Any Line Drawing

    Here is a slow c version, probably not much help. void brez_line256( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, dword colour, dword* pbuffer ) { int i; int dx, dy; int incx, incy; int xerr = 0, yerr = 0; int dist; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; if( dx > 0 ) incx = 1; else incx = -1; if( dy > 0...
  7. F

    GP32 Freeing Objects

    C++ is your friend! Ever head of a destructor? No. Please ignore that comment. Tho C++ does rock if you don't abuse it. It seems to me all you need is something that checks if a pointer is valid or not. And if it is then call a function to perform some cleanup, free the pointer, and then sets...
  8. F

    GP32 Freeing Objects

    #define SAFE_FREE( P ) { if((P)) { free((P)); (P) = NULL; } } #define SAFE_DELETE( P ) { if((P)) { delete (P); (P) = NULL; } } #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( P ) { if((P)) { delete[] (P); (P) = NULL; } } ???
  9. F

    Chuckie Egg

    Despite what people might say, the Beeb version is the best by far!
  10. F

    GP2X Ridiculous Drawing Speeds With Sdl

    You code demoscene effects and using putpixel!? :blink: Sorry, i don't know anything about SDL, but like DrDerekDoctors said, you should be able to lock the screen buffer and get direct pointer access, that should be a lot faster.
  11. F

    Request For A More Modern MAME, or RAINE Port

    I love Twin Cobra, again by Toaplan, and excellent on the PCE too. (cheat: at the very start of the game fly into the bottom left corner and drop a bomb for some extra lives) Anything pre Truxton II i find much more satisfying and playable than any of the newer vertical shootemup's...
  12. F

    GP2X Amiga Emu

    grrr, i wish people would stop saying this! i can't believe it's only me that liked the games that were designed specifically for the Amiga and actually took advantage of the system. if it wasn't for the ST then the Amiga would have had a lot more of them.
  13. F

    GP2X Amiga Emu

    Yes, there were many ST ports on Amiga, (and vice-versa), some better than others. But i think the point is, there's still a massive catalogue of Amiga only titles, and saying that most of the games came out for the ST anyway is not really good enough. And remember, it's not all about the...
  14. F

    GP2X Amiga Emu

    Add to that list 'Battle Squadron' and 'Leander'. (would like to see those on ST) :rolleyes: Amiga exclusives? Ilyad Yo! Joe Superfrog Zool 2 Jim Power Deluxe Galaga Shadow of the Beast 3 Z-Out Disposable Hero Agony Mean Arenas Bob's Bad Day Crazy Sue Fuzzball Vroom All Terrain Racing Alien...
  15. F

    GP2X Amiga Emu

    Most of the good games on Amiga never came out on the ST. Not meaning to flame or be a fanboy, but it's true.
  16. F

    Gpx2 Pdf Reader Possible ?

    The search function is not so noob proof unfortunately, as it has been mentioned many times before. I think one is being worked on, so be patient. The search doesn't like 3/4 letter searches, try 'adobe'.
  17. F

    Well, It's Finally Finished .. Retro-skin Is Here!

    very kewl! that is not what i expected. :)
  18. F

    Which One Is Better For My Skin?

    Anti-alias the GP2 slightly then either will do i reckon ;)
  19. F

    First Version Of My Tux Theme

    Really cute skin that Sonic-NKT! :)
  20. F

    Smb3 Skin In The Works!

    Kids today hey? They just got no respect! (voice of an old fogey) ;)