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  • Users: Bleeg
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  1. B

    Looking For A Cradle?

    Looks like GP2X Canada has sold out of the cradle, but apparently they weren't the last shop on earth to carry it. I don't know anything about this seller, though. They claim to have 998 units :blink:
  2. B

    I Need To Know The Name Of The Game.

    How about Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel?
  3. B

    New Gpfce?

    I'm pretty sure the NES output only mono.
  4. B

    Battery Test - Test Your Batteries Life

    All using Maha C204W charger: Powerex (Maha) 2500 set 1: STATISTICS: Clock Speed: 200 Mhz Running Time: 4:05:33 Average FPS: 81.45 Current charge: 0% Initial internal charge: 966 Current internal charge: 630 Powerex (Maha) 2500 set 2: STATISTICS: Clock Speed: 200 Mhz Running Time: 4:05:00...
  5. B

    Drmd V5 Beta 6 Released

    This is from the previous DrMD thread: (my bold)
  6. B

    Gp2x Joystick - Rubber

    A number of months ago I bought some black plastidip online to coat my DaveC cap. I took it outside, as the plastidip can had plenty of warnings about using proper ventilation. No mistake, when it's wet this stuff is highly toxic. The instructions said to dip the object slowly and raise it...
  7. B

    Polish Your Gp2x?

    Would using a whitening toothpaste make the plastic turn gray? :D Maybe lay some of those white strips across for some gray stripes.
  8. B

    Help Installing Latest Mame Software

    Yes, diagonals will work as you describe. Check your pm.
  9. B

    Help Installing Latest Mame Software

    Once it's dragged to your SD card it's installed. You only have to put your roms into the roms folder. Start the GP2X, select Game, then find the mamegp2x folder on your SD card. There are 3 versions of the emulator in the mamegp2x folder: mame_gp2x, mame_gp2x_compatible, and mame_gp2x_fast...
  10. B

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 2 Released.

    It'll never be perfect. ;) Why not donate soon if psx emulation is so valuable to you, and let's help the project along. It is to me and I have. :)
  11. B

    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    Overclocked to 275, firmware 2.0: Risk - menus & in-game: 28 fps, very playable! Vandal Hearts - menus: 28 fps, in-game: 8-11 fps. Kings Field - menus: 19 fps, in-game: 5-9 fps All games are .Z compressed with movies and music stripped out. I didn't have much success with underclocking...
  12. B

    Worldwide Charger?

    I'm pretty sure the model I mentioned (C204W) possesses the circuitry you describe... this is from one of their PDFs:
  13. B

    Worldwide Charger?

    That looks to be a great charger, but seems somewhat oversized for frequent traveling and as you said it's a bit pricey. I bought this smaller, more affordable charger (Maha C204W) from the same manufacturer and distributor and it seems to live up to the hype on the page. It charges up to...
  14. B

    Mac Compatability

    I've had only two difficulties using my '2X with my mac running Panther (luckily I have easy access to a pc for these issues): 1. Working with playstation game rips (preparing for possible playability with future updates of the emulator.) There's no way on a mac [Edit: I mean, no way with OS X...
  15. B

    Best Golf Games For The Gp2x?

    Don't forget the PGA Tour games for Genesis/Megadrive.
  16. B

    Request: Improvements To Gnuboy

    I'd like an option to change the background picture for the rom select screen (there isn't a way currently, is there?). I find it quite difficult to read the names of the roms against the current background. I don't think I've heard anyone else mention this, though, so maybe it's just my old eyes.
  17. B

    Are These Batterys Any Good?

    Ansmann is supposed to be one of the best brands available. Energizer is also good and widely available.
  18. B

    Main Mac Os X Problems Solved

    Use this.
  19. B

    Getting Lcd Tweak Pic Into Nand 2.0

    Code for gpu: #/bin/sh cp -f ./imglcd/*.* /usr/gp2x/imglcd/ cd /usr/gp2x ./gp2xmenu Place on an sd card the gpu and a folder named "imglcd" containing the DaveC "set_lcd.png" image. Boot up the GP2X and run the script. edited for clarity
  20. B

    D-pad, With Diagonals - Working!

    So is there a technical reason one shouldn't bother? Perhaps it has something to do with the diagonals. Or maybe he doesn't exactly deserve sympathy after a comment like that I'll shut up now bye.