Search results

  1. Hoodoo

    What does your Pandora's desktop look like? Share screenshots here!

    Here goes: Once again, thank Linux-SWAT for making the Slackware rootfs, it's fantastic! Finally, (almost) all of my favorite applications are with me wherever I go.
  2. Hoodoo

    Design discussion

    What's the clamshell device in the original post? It's beautiful!
  3. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Yes, I did. Fetched it from your update repo along with other fixes. op_bluetooth_work turns bluetooth on and off indeed. I looked into that, it's a toggle which is handy for custom panel buttons, and I think it calls bluetooth_work with 0|1 parameter depending on presence of a...
  4. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Hm. Been testing bluetooth yesterday. Works real good for root, but screwed up for a regular user. I'll see if I can make it work better for myself. UPD managed to connect via my cellphone. Here's what I did: - First of all, I edited and changed all occurences of hciconfig to...
  5. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Or rather the heaviest stuff. I had to leave webkit compiling overnight, all the rest was quite fast thanks to what you've provided. I wonder how long did it take to build firefox.
  6. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Here's what I have so far: abook calcurse centerim cmus epdfview fbreader (liblinebreak) feh (imlib2) gmrun msmtp (libgsasl) newsbeuter (stfl, json-c) ranger scrot (imlib2, giblib) stalonetray thunar-archive-plugin webkitgtk 1.3.4 <-- too old for luakit, might be ok...
  7. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    So these are just packages, right? We don't have to compile anything there? Anyway, here are the packages I'v built yesterday, 13.37 ones, some ncurses apps, stalonetray and xarchiver along with thunar archive plugin: Will upload more when it's ready...
  8. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Isn't ffmpeg already there? Seems like it is, because it plays music for me. :) Also, epdfview, xarchiver and thunar-archive-plugin can be both built right after install, very good. Damn, it's addictive, I must have a nap. :) Will try to sort out parcellite, feh and newsbeuter tomorrow...
  9. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Mee too. I mean, they did exit with errors, I wrote down what they wanted and will get and build it tomorrow, then will try to build them again.
  10. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Ok, thanks! More tinkering tomorrow. :)
  11. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Ah, so there is a metapackage there. Sweet. So far the following stuff from compiles as it is on the system you ship: abook centerim stalonetray cmus ranger (python file manager, slow to start for a cli app, meh) calcurse I also made sure it runs, but didn't...
  12. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Building stuff, taking notes... I'd like to ask one question though: it's not like 8 Gb is a plenty of room (but it's the fastest SD card I have), I'd like to clean the systme up a little, most likely get rid of all things KDE. Is there a method to safely and quickly delete all of KDE packages?
  13. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    w00t! Man, that's just awesome! That's the only thing I'm missing now! What was wrong there, the bluez package? // I'm about to begin my compiling marathon now, let's see what I'll manage to make work.
  14. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    So far it seems like the deps are already there, but if I stumble across something I'll report.
  15. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Hey, these slackbuild thingies turned out to be much easier to use than I thought! Built myself stalonetray for my fvwm setup, works like a charm. Now I need FBReader and probably some smtp/imap software to make mutt worthwile and a bunch of cli tools I use. Will upload whatever gets...
  16. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Real Linux is an operating system where you can install and run without hesitation things like wget, diff, tail, less, mv, use Python as an advanced calculator and Perl for your stupid tasks like querying mpd (which runs fine, too) and where when you need a database you run sqlite command line...
  17. Hoodoo

    [Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

    Yay, this actually resembles the real Linux now. There are some questions though: Bluetooth doesn't work. Is there any chance that I can fix it by ripping the kernel out of Super Zaxxon Beta 3 and sticking it into Slackware? Worked with the previous kernel and Gentoo for me. Is there a...
  18. Hoodoo

    The Voting

    I voted for an entry which makes Pandora more of a general purpose handheld computer and makes usage of application and utilities I'm used to easier for me. Thanks a lot for diong this, I had to stop working on this when current Gentoo stopped working with the old kernel and I'm going to try...
  19. Hoodoo

    Wasteland 2

    A cool thing one RPG board made - a collective donation to make a statue of their boards mascot in the game. Should we raise funds to get Pandora in the game? It's $1000 for becoming an NPC or having weapon named after you, would be cool to see my favorite handheld in my sure to become...
  20. Hoodoo

    Wasteland 2

    Yay! Another backer here. That is awesome, two Linux games of highest quality to come next year!