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  1. M


    Hi NiN If ya get the chance and inclination, how's about Sheffield UK and South West suburbs of Minneapolis (Eden Prarie, Chanhassen and Minnetonka (yes those are real names) USA (my birthplace and residency respectively) Cheers MrT Will be back in the UK for hols from the weekend onwards...
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    My Zoo

    They probably thought you were one of the exhibits ;) MrT
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    Happy Birthday Hando!

    Many Happy Returns Master Good time have yourself MrT
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    I got my broadband working!

    Looks more like Matthew Kelly but painted by Van Gogh ;) MrT
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    Member Ranks proposition

    0 - 49 posts - NEWBIE 50 - 99 posts - MEMBER 100 - 199 posts - GP32 USER 200 - 299 posts - GP32 HARDCORE 300 - 499 posts - GP MANIA 500 - 600 posts - MEGA GP MANIA 700 - 799 posts - GP32 Superstar 800 - 899 posts - GP32 Mega Superstar 900 - 999 posts - GP32 Ultra Mega Star 1000+ posts -...
  6. M

    Finally there's an update to my page

    TH@+'5 JU5T T0+4Lly WICKed ;) I'm now getting the hang of this!! MrT
  7. M

    Hi im new.

    Really! I thought it was a photograph ;) MrT
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    Finally there's an update to my page

    Do not get me wrong, I like the site (meomnlyeviler's), what I was referring to, what I do not get is the language stuff - 1337 and h4k3rs or whatever it is, that's what I did not get. Keep the parody site going I like a good laugh as much as the next man (woman) Maybe I am still in the...
  9. M

    Dungeon And Gaurder Help

    Ttally agree with Mr Trooper, the lack of the Queens English in Dungeon And Guarder does not affect the game one little bit. Astonisha and Mill yes but Dungeon And Guarder no not in the least, just a hack and slash, quite well done but a hack and slash all the same! MrT
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    Finally there's an update to my page

    hmm It's all a bit sad really, Youth Culture I suppose, I must be getting old What d'ya think Mofok in idea? MrT
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    Snes9xgp frame rate

    You'll have to change your Avatar back Angrypants, my eldest daughter looked over my shoulder and thought Axeman's beard was a piccy of lady parts and ran downstairs to tell the wife I was looking at rude pictures ;) MrT
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    movie player to play vids If you can afford it get a lit version if not get normal also try the search function on this site as well as / MrT (tsk)
  13. M

    If there could only be one (ever)

    Amiga - if only for Sensi Soccer (that's not all there is of course) Sega Megadrive / Genesis for Shining Force 1 + 2 Which to go for....................? Well seeing as how we've got the ST now and many old Migee games are on there anyway i'll go for the Megadrive MrT
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    Windows XP

    Thanks a lot :D MrT
  15. M

    Windows XP

    Just upgraded to XP (home) and am now getting plagued by those little grey messages, any idea how to switch them off? Thanks in advance MrT
  16. M

    Sensible Soccer ? Pah!!!!!

    Is Warnock the first manager to be sent off in Play-off history, at least we may win that award ;) MrT
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    256 MB SMC Working...

    Share and enjoy, share and enjoy MrT
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    Sensible Soccer ? Pah!!!!!

    I prefered Sensi as it was easier to be good at it, but once mastered then Kick Off was also a kiss a$$ game Still in morning over the Play-off massacre :( MrT
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    and so speaks God ;) MrT
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    Speccyal K v0.4 released !

    new version works fine for me running with Free Launcher MrT