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  1. O

    Power, Memory and Schematics

    @EvilDragon, @hns If you're making a new revision of the board, can you please consider exposing the 4 MIPI CSI lines on board to board a connector? I'm definitely planning to use the Pyra as a phone, and I'd love to be able to take great pictures and edit them right away. I understand the...
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    Power, Memory and Schematics

    I think we'll have to say goodbye to the hope of getting a descent camera, there is just a single sine of the mipi interface. Enough for ~2MP, but not for 8MP or higher. Still very excited about it! :D
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    Surprise Attack!

    Great work, good progress ED! The idea about the wandering pyra is just terrific, even if every person has it for only 2 or 3 days, not to mention the advertisement power it could have or the potential of getting more developers on board. Though someone keeping it for himself it's always a...
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    Uses for the Cortex-M4 cores on the OMAP5?

    The required work to be done is similar to porting Linux to a new Architecture. Not from the routines and architecture instructions point of view, but from the platform bringup procedure. We have to implement a platform for linux (peripheral setup, mmu configuration, processor initialization...
  5. O

    A few Colors and Packages (with a poll!)

    @EvilDragon What about the e-SATA converters? I don't see any room in the box if we decide to buy one of those. (Or are they smaller than I think?)
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    Uses for the Cortex-M4 cores on the OMAP5?

    Seems like is worth to take a look at!
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    Reverse ssh setup for pandora/pyra hw security.

    My bad, I didn't notice the missing comma. Mea culpa. What I meant is that the URL the client uses to download the key is composed by using the client's hostname and unix timestamp. Then, the server validates the url requested and gives the key corresponding to that client. Very interesting...
  8. O

    Reverse ssh setup for pandora/pyra hw security.

    "/tmp/key{,.pub}" is expanded to "/tmp/key /tmp/" by the shell No, it downloads both keys I'm not looking too much into authenticating the client here, just to bring them online. The server strategy to restrict the download is a combination of hostname and unix timestamp. Each client...
  9. O

    Colorful week

    What is the clock of the ram chips btw? Great work, keep on!
  10. O

    Information regarding development for the Pyra

    You could also try an ODROID XU4 aswell, it has very similar architecture (Although it was 4 A15 instead of 2 and 4 extra A7).
  11. O

    Information regarding development for the Pyra

    if it works on a raspberry pi, It's almost sure It'll work on the pyra. If you want to go into linux kernel development I'd advise you to read "understanding the linux kernel" from O'reilly. then you may read "Device Drivers".
  12. O

    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    I'm used to TI's software support. I did development for am335x before and it was a real pain with all the broken sources and back at the time Ti's Gitorious was down...
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    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    It actually does have a MMU, However, I'm not sure how viable is it to be used by the linux kernel. I'll have to go check the code. But I Won't be doing that at least for a month Can somebody please put me up to speed on what happened with the DSP on the Pandora? I'm quite new in here ^^/...
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    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    It's the first time I hear about them, so I quickly check with wikipedia and looks somewhat limited. I think having the ability to easily compile and run (almost) any linux software without recompiling the entire system is one of the main targets. Besides... This would be very painfull to...
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    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    Dear all, I've updated the first post with some new info., I really can't wait to have my Pyra!
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    Android 4.4/5.0 OOB?

    I have an ODROID-XU4 in which I could test :D
  17. O

    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    I think a full linux *might* work as the M4s have a MMU (As opossed to the usual embedded device). Yes, There should be an interrupt from M4s to A15s to take them off deep sleep... Thanks for the correction! I wasn't sure...
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    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    I also think that runnig a complete linux kernel would be somewhat overkill, but I've done enough embedded to know the pain of porting software to embedded systems (I'm looking at you USB Driver). Besides, I wouldn't like to recompile all the code running on the M4s just to update the frequency...
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    Sending out demo devices?

    Late to the party:
  20. O

    [Roadmap] Using the Cortex M4 CPUs

    This is a sumary of the research I've been doing on this subject. This reflects to my best will what I think can be done according to the documentation I've found. First at all, the Cortex M4 cores might be clocked around 167 MHz 200MHz Second, I found the OMAP543x Technical Reference Manual...