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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    As I said, I asked George and Scott. Neither of them have heard of Justin or the GCW.
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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    Well, I'm just going by the fact that the guys at 3DR have seemingly never heard of this guy.
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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    I'm not making accusations, i'm stating facts. theft is theft.
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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    ahhh, shitty ass pirates and their "abandonware" excuse. Oh hey you haven't been using your car for a while, it's abandoned so i'll take it.  
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    Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

    Welp, I've talked with George and Scott from 3DR, they have never heard of any of this and are MAJORLY pissed off. Incoming lawsuit i'd suspect. Burn in hell, pirates!
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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    HA! Looks who's talking, you're distributing commercial game files with your port. It's all this piracy shit that has made me decide to abandon this platform, between stuff like that, and the sale of games in the repo like duke nukem that you people don't have the commercial rights to.
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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    Just because a game is open source does not make it free to distribute the retail version. It seems that many people are too dumb to understand the concept of open source, it seems.
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    Release ProjectX: Forsaken

    So why exactly are you distributing the full files for a commercial game?
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    Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

    The fact that the deal was made with 3DRealms also explains why my friend at Apogee didn't know about it, completely separate companies.
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    Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

    Ok, sorry for all that then, i just didn;t want you guys to get sued or anything. The Pandora is freakin amazing, and I want this community to go on forever <3
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    Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

    The thing is, my friend at Apogee is the dude who handles the licenses, and if he hasn't heard of these being licensed to you guys, then that kinda casts a shadow over the whole thing.
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    Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

    What theory? Are these games properly licensed, or are they in fact pirated? Because last time I checked, it's piracy to sell a game you do not have a license for, and from what I understand you guys don't have the licenses for them.
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    Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

    Are these games actually legit? One of my good friends works at Apogee, and he says there have been no licenses given out for these games, and the only handhelds that are even authorized to have a Duke Nukem II port are iOS based, which they have their own in-house developed port for.
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    The moment you realized just how freakin awesome the Pandora is...

    The Pandora has now replaced my netbook as the go-to device for everyday tasks such as email, web surfing, etc.
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    The moment you realized just how freakin awesome the Pandora is...

    For me, it was loading up Dosbox and playing Duke Nukem II perfectly emulated. Takes me back to the 90's... <3
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    Battery Life

    After some heavy gaming, web browsing, listening to music, I am proud to say that i managed to get 13 hours and 26 minutes out of a full charge.
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    Issue with left nub on brand new Pandora

    Yeah, this definitely isn't a calibration issue, as the nub physically sticks in place. Are the nub caps removable?
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    Issue with left nub on brand new Pandora

    Mine is definitely a hardware issue, as the nub physically sticks. It is almost as if something has jammed inside it, I checked the clearances with come carbon paper and it's not actually contacting the housing.
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    Issue with left nub on brand new Pandora

    I may be an electronics technician by trade, but this unit IS brand new and i don't want to void the warranty just to replace a nub. I'm just going to find out what to do to have it fixed under warranty.
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    Issue with left nub on brand new Pandora

    Hmm, I guess it would just be a matter of sourcing the parts. Does anyone know the part number?