It does :(
I think I am among the last ones of the 1GHz upgrades, received on 20 June, now a happy OpenPandora owner :) Just 2 of my friends are still waiting on 1 order of 2 Pandoras. I learnt about OpenPandora from them :(
I would like to know as well, esp. on utf8 filenames.
Is this the right direction?
I had a look at the code and found the relevant statement in Joystick.cpp
xpos[0] = (SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy1, 0)-joysubx[0]) >> joyshrx[0];
I suggest that we can process xpos[0] further by
xpos[0] = (xpos[0] >> 1) -128
Then use an if statement to put all negative to 0
I solved the problem with a pretty inefficient way. I used DosBox to run applepc so that I can control using the d-pad. Applepc can be found at .
I just got my Pandora. Since so many people talked about rescue raiders, I might ask for help here.
I can hardly get my helicopter to the top, esp. when flying forward. It is a problem is the left nub?
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