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  1. T

    GP2X Nebulus Gp2x

    First of all.... it's not a pig! it's a....ehm, alien ??!?! And i'm really sorry that there is no GP32 version :( Well, i can still play the original using 'GP Frodo', but this remake just looks really cool !!!
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    Kiwi Kraze / The New Zealand Story

    Hmm... i played the C64 version, but was very annoyed that the secret portals were missing... they were there in the coinup version, when we played in the arcade!!! .. did any of the home-systems version actually have the secret portals ??
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    Porting Goattracker ??!?!

    Don't kill me if this has been suggested before... but i would just point at GoatTracker to be the perfect object for a porting ?? As it also runs on mac and linux, it must be independent of windows resources and stuff, it just needs to have a new way of controlling everything without a keyboard...
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    Web About My Mame Port

    I REALLY look forward to play MAME games om my GP32... This looks really promising :)
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    Our Large Gp32 Screens

    OMG, you should care about the interest factor of your posts, dude... or else, you could post your stuff at 'my little pony forum' or NY jacks Maybe one dude does not find your stuff interesting, but thats not a reason for you to be all childish about it...
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    Gp32 2 Is Fake

    Well, Gamepark had the dough to release GP32.. where did the funds come from ?? GP16 ???? i personally don't think that they rely on income... the gaming industry is an investment.. maybe they will invest again, considering the success of their first investment ??? ... just my opinion, nothing...
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    Our Large Gp32 Screens

    Damn, i would love to own a PSP.. it loooks so cool, and i love 3D shit !!! i work at a sparetime institute for kids in Denmark (fritidshjem), and nearly every kid owns a GB advance or GP advance SP, but they all pee their pants when i show them my GP32 running simple stuff as Super Mario 3...
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    My Crap Fenix "games"

    Anything goes, man ;) I wish i had the time to settle with Fenix to make crappy games... At first, crap comes out... but with practice, you can surely create some awesome stuff... keep coding, please :) Maybe it's cool to start with some simple remakes, and then advance when you feel...
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    Gp32 2 Is Fake

    I'm going to buy some fairy wings and get back into the flowerpower market !! Something may happen, something may not.. but it surely doesn't help to speculate ;) be patient dudes... cool, like Fonzie !
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    Well, as far as i know, there is no 'real' MAME port for the GP32... yet !!! There are 2 in WIP status though, and i really look forward to play true arcade roms on my favorite handheld ;) There are som emus for GP32 that runs some arcade roms (XCade, MultiPac, and a few more i believe) .. but...
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    Some Words About My Fenix Tutorial...

    Ooh, he's about to trip ??? :) i thought he said he was about to ski B)
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    GP32 Xm-tracker For Gp32 In Dev?

    I would also really love a mod compatible tracker for the GP32 .. a lot of open source tracker projects are available for windows, maybe someone could port one of them ??
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    Crocodingus In Crocoland

    I am an obvious platform-fan, therefore i love dingus :) Looking forward to the next release !! If more games like this was made for gp32_console , i would surely wet my pants out of happiness !!!
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    Strange Genesis Emulator Problem - All Emus

    SnowBros was the first Genesis game i tried, and now i'm stuck with the NES version because of the beforementioned 'bug' .. well, hopefully we will soon see a MAME emu for gp32_console and then we can play the real arcade version :) I really love DrMD.. looking forward to an updated version...
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    What Kind Of Gp32 Do You Have?

    Well, i got both a FLU and a BLU... what you think i should vote ??
  16. T


    Well, i must say.. i really love this one too ;)
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    What Do You Have On Your Smcs?

    Heh.... the C64 has thousands of cool games, and even more not-so-cool ones. I can promise you that if you look hard enough, you can easily find 6000+ games for the C64 ..
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    Two Very Stupid Questions.....

    Use VirtualDub
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    Best C64 Games That Can Be Emulated

    Platform : Nebulus, Giana sisters, Topper the copper, Pyjamarama, cauldron II, Futureknight, Roland's rat race, Frantic Freddy, Lode runner, Hot pop, Miner 2049, bounty Bob strikes back, Henry's house, Hopeless, Daredevil Dennis and the best of them all; H.E.R.O, Gods and heroes, Impossible...
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    Some Stupid Question (no Handbook)

    The LCD will 'scramble' when you turn your gp32_console off, but it means nothing.. i bet if you turn it on 30sec later, nothing is wrong ?? The contrast is usually something you can adjust with software, i know that Doom has a contrast control and several emus does too... To run the *.fxe...