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  1. T

    The Gp2X Hack 2X Model Is Complete!

    I used a NES dpad, but i had to file one of the edges on the base of it to get it to clear properly
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    The Gp2X Hack 2X Model Is Complete!

    I used the Dpad board portion out of a broken gamecube controller, trimmed down to fit. since its been painted i am having to do some tweaking to get everything to fit like it did in the first demo video, and i plan on rewiring it with some smaller wire for a better fit
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    The Gp2X Hack 2X Model Is Complete!

    Should be able to, i cant think why you wouldnt be able to anyway, it has a protection circuit for the lipoly battery installed so Technically you could get away without the lipoly smart charger, but i would rather be safe than sorry especially when it comes to li-poly and li-ion batteries lol
  4. T

    The Gp2X Hack 2X Model Is Complete!

    Its a 2500mah lipoly and should be good for around 5+ hours of gameplay because of a higher voltage and less drop than AAs. will charge via a lipoly smart charger thru the DC input jack on the gp2x! I will try to get some more pics when i redo the lightbar and dpad wiring (as soon as my LEDs get...
  5. T

    [Dpad] Gp2X F100

    Im the one who built the Hack2x :D For the Dpad i used the Dpad board off of a gamecube controller and a NES pad (snes is too big to fit)If i have the time i will make a new pinout schematic thing for the Dpad wiring cause the information really isnt all that available, i recall having to use a...
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    The Gp2X Hack 2X Model Is Complete!

    If you are all interested in the whys, hows and whatfors I'm sure i can snag a few pics of the guts! I still have a little finishing up to do with it (some fitment issues because of overspray, and needing new LEDs for the wedge of light) but as tkeely said, it is basically done at this point...
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    Wifi, New Fw Or Comercial Bob?

    fricken hilarious! as to the topic i want both a new non borked FW and a BOB! i need to get to work on my custom one again
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    Do It Yourself Usb Host Cable

    yea i was going to mention the usb filtering, i need to get on building my own bob again thanks for the reminder lol
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    Firmware 2.1 Linux Kernel Source Code Release

    and the constant image viewer crashes and other little annoying crap like that
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    Highest Beat2x Combo/score!

    ive beaten all the songs in ccmixter and magnatune the first 7 in 5th mix and i think the first 6 in 7th mix and the first 6 in c64. i think i average around 60% perfect or better, probably closer to 80% and usually around 20% greats too
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    Highest Beat2x Combo/score!

    what song are you best at!? whats your highest score or longest combo and on what song if you remember! favorite song? my best was on i think dr 7th mix the 6 or 7th song i got a 224 beat combo! it was awesome. i can usually get better than a 50 or 80 beat combo on some of the c64 songs (the...
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    Anybody Want To Do A Title Screen?

    im working one one that is similar to the first one heres my quick attempt
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    Less Than A Day Old And Stick Already Modded...

    ive been using my gp2x with the bare metal shaft for a long time now! (not much of a step down from the original cap honestly) it really does play hell with my thumb tho, i need to put my superpad cap on again!
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    Firemware 2.1.0 Ready

    did they fix the random crashing problems with mplayer and the image viewer?
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    Linux Gaming/pmp Handheld Gets More Hackable

    i want a spare gp2x case just to paint, that thing is sexy!
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    Bob Case Mods..

    its of my own design. there is no room for C cells unless i want to about double the thickness again, , no sharp edges to worry about really and even less so when i get it more finalized.i have it set up to run the usb ports off of 4 2500Mah AAs. the only problem i am having is wiring up the USB...
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    Bob Case Mods..

    lol the bob thing is REMOVABLE people, it slides on the back and its still WORK IN PROGRESS! sure it aint pretty right now but it will look ok when its done. my bob mockup you see there has 4 usb ports, a nintendo AV connector and 4AA batteries
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    Bob Case Mods..

    work in progress
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    Bob Cradle Designed Around The Dev Board

    dude what? there is a socket on the bob to connect the gp2x to it, its like a stand >.>
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    How To Get Opera (qtopia) To Work!?

    had it workin good now i get a sigsegv error >.> what causes it? EDIT: fixed, had to remove it and reinstall it on my sd card