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  1. Awakening

    Too much hyperbole is giving me the fear.

    My new laptop is 1080p and suffer because of this. A higher resolution makes a device slower when rendering grapics. If you want a high FPS then you want a low resolution. 1080p also seems unnecessary on a small screen.
  2. Awakening

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    ED helping Craig out is good for the community as a whole and good for future projects. Once all preorders have cleared everyone will be happy and we can look forward! Nothing but well earned respect and trust :)
  3. Awakening

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    Craig needs money to buy more Pandoras to sell and make more money to buy more Pandoras. That's the only way out. ED need to produce those 1000 Pandoras, they must be available in stock. So they can be delivered ASAP to new customers. Can people just settle down until Craig get his tax...
  4. Awakening

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    My idea is simply that Craig sells units and pays ED before he sends them to craig. That is not impossible. If ED have them in stock they don't have to be preorders. So they can be promised to be delivered to new customers within a short time.
  5. Awakening

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    I ordered a batch 1 unit quite some time ago. Then I payed for a 1GHz upgrade. I was hoping to have it by now, and it was quite expensive. One solution I see to this is: 1. ED get a bunch of 1GHz units produced for Craig 2. Craig sell half of them 3. Craig use that money to buy all these...
  6. Awakening

    E3 - 2011

    I use AAs for my 360 but I also use a battery charger. But I think they need a lithium battery to power the screen.
  7. Awakening

    E3 - 2011

    I've seen the Nintendo press conference now and I got really interested in the Wii U. The things you can do with the new controller is just amazing if you ask me. I do wonder how many of those you can connect. It would be so nice to for example have hidden player information on the controllers...
  8. Awakening

    E3 - 2011

    Haven't seen any of the conferences yet, but seen a little about the Wii U. My first thought was: Another console, already? But then I looked it up and the Wii will be 5 years old at the end of this year. I can see what Nintendo are trying to do here but they doesn't seem to have learned much...
  9. Awakening

    Your pandora has been shipped

    I would be happy with a weekly tweet from Craig saying how many units where shipped each week. I must say that I don't mind the premium Pandoras no matter if they delay my own or not. I really don't want to see the project die. Since I ordered my Pandora I have bought a 10" Ion based netbook...
  10. Awakening

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    This is simple math! Don't know about salaries and taxes in UK but here in Sweden $150 USD would be enough to hire someone to work for about 4-5 hours minimal wage. According to Craig hiring 2 more employees the assembly doubles (going from 50 to 100 a day IIRC), that's what you get for...
  11. Awakening


    I agree with you on this Craig. I can see that the 3DS still has some appeal, although I'm not too interested in everything they are adding to it now. I'm considering buying me one of the Tegra 2 based Android phones coming out soon. The PSP phone looks interesting (an Android phone with game...
  12. Awakening

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    I'm happy to wait for mine. I do like this idea, but I think you should offer all preorders the chance to pay extra to get theirs earlier, and ask them if they want it all black or the new color. I've been wondering why the Pandora sells for such a low price myself. The USD is also extremely...
  13. Awakening

    I Got My Pandora

    Maybe you should do that during assembly before the stylus is put into each Pandora?
  14. Awakening

    How Are You Feeling About The Pandora Today?

    I bought a 12" dual core Asus netbook when my laptop broke and I really like it but not a day goes buy when I don't think (at least once) how much I would like to have a Pandora in my hands.
  15. Awakening

    Some Newbie C++ Help

    Thanks skeezix :) I think for now I'm just going to keep things as is, seems a lot easier and cleaner :D However, I need to learn how to code my own settings class later as that's something that will be useful down the line.
  16. Awakening

    Some Newbie C++ Help

    Oh, that's a lot of words I do not yet understand :) Well, I do not have a lot of global variables, nor do I plan to. I just find this really annoying. At least at this stage where I might just throw in a global variable to test something out, I'm very likely to forget to add it to the header...
  17. Awakening

    Some Newbie C++ Help

    I've not been active in this forum in a long time now, I hope some of you still remember me :) Still waiting patiently for my Pandora to arrive and following PandoraPress through to the wonders of RSS. I've coded quite a lot in earlier years but never anything as complicated as C++. I'm not...
  18. Awakening

    Which 2D Engine?

    I'm currently learning C++ and SDL to code for my Pandora (still waiting). I have coded quite a lot before but not anything as complicated as C++. I am also quite curious if this is the best choice for me or not. I like it that SDL runs great on my Windows 7 netbook and I may also want to go...
  19. Awakening

    Looking For An Image Viewer Software

    I hate the built in image viewer of Windows 7, I'm looking for an alternative that is free and can do the following things: Fullscreen support Navigate through images in a folder with the keyboard (like space for next image etc) Fast and smooth scrolling with the arrow keys Zoom in and out with...
  20. Awakening


    I really hope we get Flash support on the Pandora, if nothing else just to play Flash games and attract Flash devs to the Pandora. But YouTube capability will surely make others interested a the Pandora. On a side note, just installed 10.1 on my laptop and so far it seems to have improved my...