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  1. Disco Devil

    Release MAME EX - Beta [Video]

    Thanks for the reply.. Sounding fantastic, can't wait to see how it turns out.. EDIT: Whoa, just seen your 2nd video... Donpachi.... *&%$@!!!! i am very happy.. now if this has support for all the other vertical shmup greats Dodonpachi, Change air Blade, Esprade, Battle Garegga, Mars...
  2. Disco Devil

    Release MAME EX - Beta [Video]

    What advantages does this have over the two versions we already have, and does it have support (even if it is only a handful) for the vertical shmups supported by FinalBurn Alpha (are we EVER going to get a port..?) and does it have some decent screen scaling/filter options..?
  3. Disco Devil

    Release Arora Rift 32X, out now!

    I would certainly give this a go if it took full advantage of the Pandora screen & wasn't quite so low res.. any chance of these aspects being improved in the future..?
  4. Disco Devil

    Pan Player help

    All of a sudden i can't select anything, nothing showing up in the launcher window, but the last played video (folder structure etc) is showing up above the TV window, pressing play just quits, i have tried deleting the .pnd & re-installing, removing all videos, renaming the folder that contains...
  5. Disco Devil

    Release Tetris Queen

    Nice version of a classic, thanks for the port.. the music is dreadful though! (and i don't mean because it's Queen) an mp3 option would be a huge improvement.
  6. Disco Devil

    Release Gngeo 0.8.3

    Still no sound in KOF 2002 ..? Anyone know if you can enable more than one screen effect at once..? Thanks.
  7. Disco Devil

    Best (most playable) N64 games.

    Iv'e got to guess that i am just doing something completely wrong with this emu because the ONLY thing i can run at playable speeds is Mario 64 (and believe me i have tried various different versions & multiple different games/regions) tried all different speeds ranging from 600MHz up to 1GHz &...
  8. Disco Devil


    Got version 0.6.5 (newest..?) from the repo it doesn't create any folders in appdata after i have run the pnd so i created some myself as per the documentation /pandora/appdata/gemrb/game.. and nothing! so far i have tried Baldurs Gate 1 & Planescape Torment (both GOG versions) Anybody got any...
  9. Disco Devil

    Another (apologies) Mame4all question

    Thanks, that is EXACTLY the dat that i used.. and still the same results, seems like my PSP isn't going to become redundant anytime soon!
  10. Disco Devil

    Another (apologies) Mame4all question

    Thanks for that, but it didn't fix anything all the games that were previously just a black screen are still the same.. why do all the games work fine (regardless of whether i have rebuilt the roms with the relevant dat or not) on Mame4all on my PSP & phone (same version) but not on the...
  11. Disco Devil

    Release GemRB

    Where am i supposed to put the game files, when i run the GemRB pnd it doesn't create any folders..?
  12. Disco Devil

    I know it doesn't really relate to the Pandora but..

    maybe on Pandora 2 this would be possible, and pretty damn cool too; Thoughts..?
  13. Disco Devil

    Another (apologies) Mame4all question

    Can someone give me the exact link to the dat (if of course it's legal) or if it's not too cheeky PM it. I have the romshepherd link but can't find a specific 0.37b5 dat amongst them (i can find 0.037B05 is this the same..?) Thanks.
  14. Disco Devil

    Another (apologies) Mame4all question

    Is there anything in particular you have to do to the roms to ensure compatibility on the Pandora (already ran through Rom Center with the correct dats's.. exactly the same as the PSP version uses) i have found my PSP with the full (supported) Mame4all romset which all work on the PSP, but only...
  15. Disco Devil

    Older mame dat's link..?

    That's the one.. Thanks!!
  16. Disco Devil

    Older mame dat's link..?

    I know it's on the forum somewhere but i'm buggered if i can find it, i know Prometheus linked to it previously (forgot the name of site) anyone help..? Thanks.
  17. Disco Devil

    A little help Mame 0.106

    OK, thanks.. I guess it's off limits for me then until we have some more resolution/aspect options (optimistic i know, but what the hell) as my eyesight isn't that great (yes even with glasses) and i have to run at least 2x to have a hope of being able to play anything, i struggle with any...
  18. Disco Devil

    A little help Mame 0.106

    So i have got it working, but i am a little confused as to why i am getting the Oops error on every rom i have 'fixed' using Rom Center & the 0.106.dat (they are all displaying as green in Rom Center) Anyone know what i am doing wrong here..? Thanks.
  19. Disco Devil

    Couple Of mame106 questions

    Can someone help me config the controls as i haven't a clue (apart from 5 credit & 1 start) and is it possible to set the scale 2x as default so you don't have to manually select it each time you start the emulator. How do you get back to the rom browser..? Thanks
  20. Disco Devil


    I had just remembered something about that, but thanks anyway.