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  1. fiori_musicali

    Pandora PNDManager

    Were you able to fix this? PNDManager crashes on me when I try to sync or install apps. Wifi quality on my unit got down to useless (constant disconnects, having to restart, running for a minute or two) after an hour or two of use and PNDManager didn't seem to like the poor connection.
  2. fiori_musicali

    DragonBox OpenSource Coding Competition - Rules (DRAFT!)

    Is the OpenPandora about openness and community engineering, or is it about games? Is it for hacking, or is it for gaming? Would it even exist if people didn't like to play games on the go, most of them closed-source ROM's? Do we want more and higher quality entries into the competition, or do...
  3. fiori_musicali

    Upgrades, a compo and a special game (2012-11-28)

    No adapter plug for the charger here. Turned the boxes inside-out and it doesn't exist. Time to look for that or a Sony PSP charger online I guess.
  4. fiori_musicali

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    It might help minutely if we had a visual indicator of the donation stash used to pay for undelivered pre-orders somewhere on the site. It could even be for one unit at a time with a counter for thus far financed pre-orders below a growing pillar of donated money climbing towards 100% to pay for...
  5. fiori_musicali

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Just in to report I received my upgraded 1GHz shipment today. The package has been lying on my desk unopened for two hours now, 3.5 years of waiting and now it's time for critical evaluation... Trying to clear my mind to confront this.
  6. fiori_musicali

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    I also received a shipping notification on Nov. 29th and haven't received a tracking number. Then again, I personally don't care about the exact current location of my shipment through a time period which in proportion to the total time I've waited corresponds to a blink of an eye.
  7. fiori_musicali

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    This, this and fucking this. Say it out aloud: not cool.
  8. fiori_musicali

    A plan taking form (2011-10-05)

    I paid my Pandora in the beginning of July 2009. I am getting told I will get my Pandora in January/February 2012. Is this correct?
  9. fiori_musicali

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Ha ha HA-ha-ha. Noob.
  10. fiori_musicali

    A summary of the last few weeks (2011-05-26)

    Yeah. It popped in my mind. How big is the Premium Pandoras reserve? You are guaranteeing 7-day delivery after all, you must be able to meet the demand. So how many of OUR PAID Pandoras are sitting around waiting for your customers to snap and pay the ransom? Yeah. Ransom.
  11. fiori_musicali

    A summary of the last few weeks (2011-05-26)

    Tell me, how do we know you haven't finished all the 1st batch Pandoras already and are patiently taking advantage of the ever-increasing frustration of the pre-orderers who funded this project to drive them to pay the ransom in form of "Premium" Pandora? Why not? Another lie wouldn't weigh in...
  12. fiori_musicali

    More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

    1. I only excluded the price of tv-out from that reduction as it wasn't listed. That's your stated +14€ to the 27€. 2. Please blow harder, I'm sure you can make a point.
  13. fiori_musicali

    More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

    Why not just start a pyramid scheme? Somebody will always commend & applaud a successful scoundrel. It's such a dirty world where assholes are sexy. I'd take that snake oil over a Pandora at this point anyway, at least I'd have a slight chance of placebo effect.
  14. fiori_musicali

    More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

    For fun, I did a little calculation: 27€ / 647 days of waiting since payment ~= 0.04€ or 4 cents extra per day. All those worthless 5-cents I fed to birds in the park could easily afford me a "premium". On this time scale (approaching 2 years) the extra is nothing to what I was already...
  15. fiori_musicali

    More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

    I paid 365€ for my Pandora with extra battery and tv-out in July 2009. The 7-day Pandora only costs 27€ more. Yeah, I paid the fucking dev fund too. That's my share of their "bit more money", or should I say fuck-up margin money. There's really no argument, just amateurs with excuses.
  16. fiori_musicali

    A schedule! For real! (2011 - 02 - 28)

    Bla bla bla. Shut up. I agree with everyone who said this is not good news and that we should get real numbers on where we are at with Batch 1. Do I have to remind you that Batch 1 isn't a fresh thing? Yes I do because half of you "GREAT NEWS ONLY TWO MONTHS MORE!" dorks must have signed up...
  17. fiori_musicali

    Quick summary of the last week (2011 - 02 - 01)

    Yeah. Enough said. It's you who needs to take your head out of your ass, you enter like any other total noob pretending to have some new perspective and insight into this matter that all these "idiots" who've had their money in for years never thought about. What a fine display of superfluous...