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  1. G

    GP2X Emulator Devlopment?

    Where to get started? I lvoe programming, and can program games in C/C++. However, I would LOVE to get started writing emulators. But how? I get how emulators work, I am just curious as to how to implement them. I have decided to start on a CHIP-8 emulator for the PC, and then hopefully attempt...
  2. G

    Mechwarrior 2?

    I just had a question. Can mechwarrior 2 be emulated at all on the GP2X, using DosBox? Works perfect on the computer, and I doubt it will work on the GP2X without a proper port, but I just thought I'd ask the question :) -Girvo
  3. G

    Gph Sdk Linker Error

    Hi there. I went and got the SDK from the GPH website, and extracted it no sweat. I fired it up, created a standard template project, and proceeded to compile it. It worked fine for windows, it ran and everything. But, as soon as I changed the compiler options from win to gp2x, it stopped...
  4. G

    GP2X So, Developing For The Gp2x

    Hi there. I have recently ordered my own brand new GP2X and am waiting for it to arrive. Yay :) I am a hobby programmer. I develop for the PC using SDL and a custom written 2d engine for SDL. I enjoy doing it a lot, and would LOVE to develop for the GP2X. The question I have is, is there some...