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    Nationite X1: Wifi, Windows Ce, Gps, Game Emulation Player

    the Nationite X1 has the same specs as the yinlips YDP-G69 , only the yinlips YDP-G69 looks better
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    Anyone Know Anything About The Bmp-900?

    the image next to the text is actually the mymedia gameking, which was released about half a year ago review in chinese saw a videoreview of it, the interface is nice, but emulation has room for improvement, most of the emu's ran roms too fast, and gba looked barely playable, looks more or...
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    Gp3x And Its Competition

    this is from the official site tms v888 it has a samsung screen and use an adi blackfin Processor @ 400mhz another chinese company made a clone of the xgp mini xgp mini clone video of the gameking and this also looks like a nice handheld jxd 301
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    Plezo Pmg-250

    isn't this a clone of the aocos gx100 which sells at 1/3 of the price of the plezo pmg-250
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    G7 Game Player

    looks exactly like the onda vx737
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    Weird... Chinese Maunfacturers

    there's also this iriver g10 clone which i quite like tms v888