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  1. F

    GP2X The Gp2x Bounty - Make Your Wishlist Here!

    lol dewd id help u wit mony but mom says i hav 2 lern 2 sav my mony or shes not bying me a tikle meh elmoo
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    Li'l Trooper

    Brilliant! Bravo!
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    Flash Portal Clone

    Flash is much too slow on the 2X. A clone would be great.
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    Flash Portal Clone

    Right, if you don't know about Portal: The Flash Version, then have a look here. I would do it myself, but sadly, C isn't my strongest programming language. I am (again) going to recall the 2 (3?) Tower Defense clones. :P It would work. Joystick/D-Pad for movement/aim (perhaps touchscreen?)...
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    Counter Strike/counter Strike: Condition Zero

    Not to mention spec-problems.
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    Going From Bad To Worse....

    New generation, new problems. Great work GPH.
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    Join the club. :(
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    Moderators On "our New Machine"

    Ugh, personally I think that "new machine" isn't going to get anywhere.
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    Here's a quick small guide I wrote: First screen: 1. Go right, jump on the platform, and immediately jump again, and fall under the spike platform on the LEFT side (not the right). 2. Go left, kill Pedobear (that's his name, by the way) and die. :) 3. Somehow manage to avoid the second set of...
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    First off, I want to apologize for bestowing this beast upon you, but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: ADDICTING WARNING: ADDICTING --------------------------------------------------------------...
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    I've Just Ordered My F200 From

    F200 is just a cash cow. The touchscreen idea is stupid and unless it can emulate DS, it doesn't have my buy. Flame me.
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    GP2X Liero For Gp2x ?

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    Not Game Maker, no.
  14. F

    Gp2x Store (usa)

    I'm suprised anybody reads posts in the board's root. :P
  15. F

    Liero Clone Port

    First of all, yes I searched and I found a handfull of topics discussing this, only that they were pretty old, some dating back to pre-2X. I'm suprised nobody has done a port of this yet, when we have like 3 Tower Defence clones. The original Liero is closed souce, but try the many, MANY clones...
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    Finally Got My 2x, But One Problem.

    Well, it's here! I have to say I underestimated this thing even though I researched it for over 3 months. I was impressed, especially by GPSP, PicoDrive, and SNES. One problem though...the only batteries I can really use are the ones that come with the 2X. I tried other batteries and they...
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    Sqdef, My Tower-defense Game

    Agreed. Cheers to a great and addicting game, Alex! :)
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    Is There A Port Of Wolfenstein On Gp2x?

    Oh man, it'd be hilarious if somebody released a graphic patch to mix up the two games. Put Nazis "to sleep" with the peashooter or kill the annoying goats with a pistol.
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    How Come This Costs $80?

    A reverse N-Gage? :P