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    How Much Would It Cost To Make A "homebrew" Pandora? Also You mean moddable, not homebrew homebrew indicates applications
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    What Will You Do With Your Zodiac When

    Well seeing as my dad just gave me his old one yesterday, get it working, and see if it has a home brew community, and start playing with it and the pandora.
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    ^Your idea isn't great, your turning the Pandora into the opposite of what it is meant to be. We don't fear you, infact we find you to be an annoying cancer on these forums; leave or shut up.
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    ^ The pandora was never about the money man, it was about the community. You want to be a business adviser, go somewhere else
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    Flash Gaming

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No comment.
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    Flash Gaming

    I hope someone does make a .swf player for the pandora, I have um plans....
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    Flash Gaming

    A .swf player would be nice, oh dear god the "H" game community would flip for this...
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    Tell Us More About The Gui

    You know how most people say they want something in their pants if they want it really bad? Well me, I want the pandora to BE my pants.
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    Hardware Suggestions...

    Excuse me kind sir, are you asking to be smacked?
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    This Device Has Amazing Raw Potential

    I'm thinking of using it to bypass school filters during my study hall :D I wonder if I can pair it with my 360, and do fun things... hmm what do with a pandora and a 360... @SONY For the love of god if your going to jack my avatar please at least give me credit in your signature, I appreciate...
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    Why So Little Demo Material

    I have to say that blurb alone is calming me down, and yet at the same time it makes me want to F5 all of youtube...
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    Tell Us More About The Gui

    By "devs" I was refering to the community devolpers, not craigx and crew. But by scott the GUI better be good :D
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    Tell Us More About The Gui

    I really hope the Pandora finds a good balance in between UMPC and Gaming Beast. I first came here excited about the gaming capabilities, and some of the UMPC stuff that I can already do on my modded PSP, but way faster; and with better specs and input methods. I hope the devs can remember what...
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    Whats In Your Future Pandora/gadget Bag?

    I'm carrying my PSP because there are no PSP emulators out there yet, and I have some fun homebrew on it, such as irShell or SmashGP.
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    Whats In Your Future Pandora/gadget Bag?

    I'll probably be carrying around -PSP running 3.90-m33v3 CFW -Pandora -SD cards -SkullCandies -and aGUI written in VB to track criminals(Watch, and laugh, then watch the response)
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    Tell Us More About The Gui

    True and true
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    Pandora Pandora Media Center

    Hey the intro isn't that bad, I hope this actually takes off. :D