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  1. M

    N64 For Linux

    i thought i had mupen64 working on my ibook g4. matt
  2. M


    i dont understand the facination with tv out or tv in (or any analog). digital has been availiable for a while now. i also dont understand ( or care to) how pandora could output to analog video with a different aspect ratio. matt
  3. M

    Open Source Drivers?

    i just recently replaced my nvidia card with an ati radeon, i am free from binary blobs and intend to stay that way. i wasnt really thinking full desktop on pandora, but perhaps, my desktop now is only a p3 799 MHz. but what ever it is, i would like to use what ever package manager and update...
  4. M

    Open Source Drivers?

    would i be able to install what ever linux distro i like on pandora ? for example gentoo. ifso then i would hope that all the drivers needed were in the kernel and would not need to install any other binary blobs. i dont do that now and really dont want to. used to have nvidia, ditched that...