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  1. P

    Voices In Scumm Vm

    OK, this is starting to drive me a bit crazy! I'm having problems getting the voices working on some games in scummvm i played sam and max through to the end, no problem. but when i try touche, and simon the sorcerer, i'm getting nothing the background music is working fine, but no voices. I...
  2. P

    How Can I Create An Ini File?

    can someone please tell me how to create an .ini file for those programs that dont have one,so that the show up on the SD card launcher? thanks
  3. P

    Scummvm, Touche

    hi guys can anyone help me get 'touche' working properly on scummvm? it runs fine on my pc, but when i load it on the wiz there are no voices. its not such a problem on other games, but the subtitles are tiny in this game! thanks!
  4. P

    Decent Fps

    There are some great FPSs out there, but all the opensource ones seem to cater for multi player deathmatch modes. Are there any FPSs out there with a great single player mode, that could be ported to the pandora?
  5. P

    Audio Apps

    I'd love to use one of these little lovelies to make music on. I've got a DS with nitro traker, which is ok for a laugh, but my real love is the mighty fruity loops, or FL studio as they're calling themselves these days. I know that fruity isnt open source, but there are plenty of good...