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  1. M

    Wifi Clicking Sound

    I can hear a clicking if I put my ear right up against the keyboard (stops when wireless is disabled). My wireless seems to be about the average. dave-openpandora:~$ iperf -c ------------------------------------------------------------ Client connecting to, TCP port...
  2. M

    Beta Pandora Hotfix 3 - Beta Test!

    Don't know if this is helpful but; With the mounting of SD cards via Pandora/OTG port on my windows 7 laptop, Panasonic utility formatted cards show up as Unallocated but win7 formatted cards are OK. I also have a thing where since I labeled an SD card all cards since are mounted as that...
  3. M

    Usb Wireless Dongle

  4. M

    Touchscreen Problem

    I have a similar problem. I'm not sure it’s hardware as it was working for a quite a while. Sure it stopped working occasionally but a reboot would fix it. I’ve also reflashed a couple of times and very occasionally I can get a few seconds use out of it until I hit a shoulder button or...
  5. M

    3G Usb Key?

    The Pandora detects the Huawei E160 OK.
  6. M

    Release Visualboyadvance

    I think the full file name is not being passed. Unknown file type /mnt/utmp/vba.cosam. Unknown file type /media/mmcblk0p1/Misc :)
  7. M

    Release Visualboyadvance

    Hi If I can help After the PND launches this is the contents of /mnt/utmp/vba.cosam. dave-openpandora:/mnt/utmp/vba.cosam.$ ls -l total 5267 -r-xr-xr-x 1 dave root 131072 Apr 15 1997 R-Type (U) [!].gb -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave root 4194304 Dec 24 1996 R-Type III - The Third Lightning...
  8. M

    Software Feedback

    Its academic but I think it was something to do with deleting the initial build user. I was getting:- ls -l /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/prboom total 67776 -rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 root 12408292 Jun 12 1996 doom.wad -rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 root 6362156 Jun 2 2010 doom1.wad -r-xr-xr-x 1 1000 root...
  9. M

    Software Feedback

    I'll just add now it's in there, the programs running OK now. Strange hope thats just a glitch. Thanks for all your effort Pickle. :)
  10. M

    Software Feedback

    Absolutely pwd /mnt/utmp/prboom cp -r --no-clobber default/* /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/prboom ls -l /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/prboom total 67776 -rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 root 12408292 Jun 12 1996 doom.wad -rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 root 6362156 Jun 2 2010 doom1.wad -r-xr-xr-x 1 1000 root...
  11. M

    Software Feedback

    Hi The SD card is not set RO. I looked a bit more and correct me if im wrong (probably am) So the active directory is /mnt/utmp/prboom The command is cp -r --no-clobber default/* . I get david-openpandora:/mnt/utmp/prboom$ cp -r --no-clobber default/* . cp: cannot create regular file...
  12. M

    Software Feedback

    Hi found it. Hope that helps. Edit sorry there's more log. in fork! mountpoint: /media/mmcblk0p1 /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 120: [: !: integer expression expected not mounted on loop yet, doing so Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help' for more information...
  13. M

    Software Feedback

    Hi Pickle I've tried prboom without much luck I'm afraid. I’ve got doom.wad, doom2.wad, tnt.wad and plutonia.wad from ultimate doom. I also think I’ve managed to find the freeware doom1.wad. I’ve tried various combinations but prboom just shuts down when I select a wad. I’ve checked...
  14. M

    Starting Telnetd

    Yep i must of started the httpd server while I was mucking about. Its gone after a reboot. Here's a PS anyway. UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 00:22 ? 00:00:04 init [5] root 2 0 0 00:22 ? 00:00:00 [kthreadd] root 3...
  15. M

    Starting Telnetd

    Yes, mine seems to have an SSH server running out of the box. Funny there also seems to be an http server (port 80) running as well. (edit) I may have started the http server myself.
  16. M

    Xfce Panel

    After I came out of Quake3 for some reason the Pandora logo (bottom left) had gone. After a few minutes fiddling, its a right bloody mess now. Can I get it back to default easily. I think I've got to do something in <user>/Applications/Settings/xfce4/panel Or something like that. Any ideas...
  17. M

    Ioquake2 Nanogl

    I do indeed. Thanks Pickle.
  18. M

    Ioquake2 Nanogl

    Hi Got my Pandora this morning and I've stumbled through quite a few things so far. I've got PND's showing on the desktop and so far FUSE works. I'd really like to get Quake2 running. I've got the PND in /pandora/desktop on my SD card and it's there with icon on my desktop. I have the...
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    Full Ext Cable?

    Here is the breakout box MWeston made, it has a serial port.
  20. M

    Psp Power Supply

    I have no idea about the quality but its probably worth a look Link