Search results

  1. X

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Can you PM the shop link to me? (blueachenar)
  2. X

    Gp2x As Edutainment Device

    LOTR reference much? ;).
  3. X

    Good Cheap Headphones

    Definitely Koss Portapros, get the one with the case on Amazon, they're cheap.
  4. X

    Helpme Find A Gp2x I want one too :).
  5. X

    Makin' Mah Mmo

    Have you decided on the name yet? Silly question, but I was curious.
  6. X

    What Do You Plan To Add/mod Onto Your Pandora (hardware)?

    A mini sd card slot :). Joking, I wonder how I would be able to do that.
  7. X

    This Is Insane.

    Those nutters you are referring to are around 4000 people :P.
  8. X

    Her Knights Running On The Gp2x Wiz

    This video was also like posted on the official english GP2X Wiz website, soo maybe that guy is.....
  9. X

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Woah where do you guys order the GP2Xes from? Or are you talking about the Wiz?
  10. X

    How Do We Run Games?

    I saw it, I just wanted to make sure. :).
  11. X

    How Do We Run Games?

    From what I've seen from videos, running games were mostly started by text commands, so is that how we are going to run games when using the Pandora?
  12. X

    Default Os

    This is probably dumb, but I know pandora runs Linux but what default OS does it run?