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  1. G

    I've seen the other postings about this, but...

    Exclusive is ok with me if it means the game is tailored to a particular unit's strengths, like Halo engine to xbox or Half-life to PC. I just wish that all console games were quickly ported to PC, or the reverse, so that if you had a computer and 1 console you'd have all the good games...
  2. G

    I've seen the other postings about this, but...

    Maybe you're right about halo 2, I've been waiting for SO MANY games for xbox though, so many have yet to deliver, I wish that there were more to look forward to. Really Halo was the only great game that I played exclusively on Xbox, and even that is now on computer. Dreamcast was the last...
  3. G

    I've seen the other postings about this, but...

    To define 'good', I mean that I can trade in my dusty old xbox (I got a computer and am skeptical about Halo 2's release date...) and pick up an Ngage with RedFaction, Tony Hawk, and Tombraider or Sonic. I do need a cell phone, though I have gone with Verizon in the past, -Ngage apparently works...
  4. G

    Zodiac first ed. or Gp32???

    I think that I'll wait for the Zodiac and get a Gp32 for now, hopefully the Zodiac and palm emus become more mainstream soon though! Thanx for the advice too, I can't to get a new handheld!
  5. G

    Zodiac first ed. or Gp32???

    I know this is probably very newbie and stuff, but I'm stuck between getting a gp32 or a Zodiac. Another option would be to get a non-flu Gp32 and wait and get a Zodiac next spring or something. My only concern is whether it'd be better to just drop the 399 for the Zodiac now and save the $180...