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  1. L

    Pandorawiki Faq Renewal Project

    Being a noob to the pandora project myself id suggest to make the wiki read more easily. Ive tried using it but its to boring to nagivate :P. Splitting long pages into more pages, much more like wikipedia. Eg. I go to emulation page, which links to several types of emulators(eg Psx, SNES)...
  2. L

    Wireless Router For Pandora!

    My first wireless router (back in 2003) has put me off using them due to it dropping connection every 20minutes, and if by some mirical it did stay on long enough to do anything, the instance anyone did anything on another computor i would get disconnected. Anyway, to the point of this post; I...
  3. L

    Possible To Order Now?

    Hopefully it will just be one month. I hope theres very little modifications that need to be done :/. Want this before the summer holidays. Not at the end!
  4. L

    Possible To Order Now?

    So say the first batch is late april - early may, how long do you guys think the second batch will take ? (in your unoffical, guesstimated, opinion of course) I have no idea how long ill have to wait for mine (missed first batch, and still havent ordered, due to no pay pal -.-). But hopefully...
  5. L

    You Can See A Pandora Tomorrow At Teesside University

    Are there any videos of the talk / presentation / reactions to the pandora ? Also whilst we are on teeside uni, is it a good uni to go to to study a computor science?
  6. L

    You Can See A Pandora Tomorrow At Teesside University

    As if i missed this. I live in stockton!! Like a 15minute drive away :( Really want to see a pandora too.. Actually its probably better i missed it - i would of stolen yours :P.
  7. L

    Noob Questions

    Thanks for the replys guys :D. As for the illegal download games, its mainly for games i already own (such as crashbandicoot or FF7), but downt know how to get onto my pc. I dont think its illegal downloading something i already paid for. (or if it is i dont care, because it shouldnt be:))...
  8. L

    Noob Questions

    Hellollo! Im interested in the pandora (i love all gadgets :D) but not being a programmer or having much computor knowledge (specs wise, though i do have some very very very low level visual basic) i struggle to understand whats going on at the moment. So I thought id ask, for answers in...